
Dude, you do realize that 'autogynephile' is a label for all lesbian trans women, right? Like, unless you're using an extremely eccentric, personal definition, it is a category that was defined as, is meant to contain, all non-straight trans girls. I gotta be honest, I'm not even mad, a trans dyke peddling this

"With this information in hand your argument begins to fall apart, don't you think?"

More importantly, they aren't even using the bullshit typology right, since according to Autogynephilia theory, there is no such thing as a 'lesbian trans woman' who isn't an autogynephile. That's the sine qua non of the hypothesis. If you're a trans woman and you don't exclusively fuck dudes, you are one of the grody

Fuck off truscum.

But why is Thom Yorke hassling Joseph Gordon Levitt up there?

'You think they're…. DICKING AROUND?'

Too many gross-out gags or no, Hand Banana is the best short black comedy film of all time.

We won the Cold War too.

Well, we won the war.

Yeah, something about how it updated the proceedings, with the over-designed modernist house and all the psychosexual layering feels really… acute, I think, for the contemporary period. Plus, I thought the banter was equal to the original. Ebert liked it too.

I just want to say that I think that the Kenneth Branagh version is really intense and clever and good and I don't at all understand all the disdain for it.

'Blunt instrument' I agree with. The rest of your defence… Does not compel me.

There's Laura Jane Grace's mini-doc series True Trans on Yahoo, which is very good.

I'll always rank this show over Buffy because, well, Angel stuck the landing. Buffy's last season was arguably its weakest after a pronounced decline. Angel's fourth season also had a lot of issues, but Season 5 was easily its best. Buffy was a show about how growing up is hell, and lost focus as its protagonist left

The leads look too much like ordinary people.

I watched it with my brother in an otherwise completely empty theatre and we laughed until we were in pain.

If this section is anything to go by apparently the commentariat agrees with you.

"Do you understand?"

You go that way, I'll go home!