I wish since Hillary’s political career is done she’d lean harder into being a troll of the GQP. She’s smart enough that she could definitely reduce some of them to tears.
and THIS is why I didn’t understand the Democratic victory dance after midterms. If they didn’t control both houses of Congress by a substantial majority in at least one of them, the GQP will do their standard obnoxious contrarian bullshit in spite of the overwhelming support for abortion across the country because…
has she said anything about her husband nearly being beaten to death by some fucking RWNJ asshole (who BTW intended to break her kneecaps with a hammer to get her to admit to a fictitious theft of an election that really only exists to protect the bruised ego of a big wet man-baby) that one half of her co-workers…
gee I sure hope Fox News has convened an all-staff meeting to determine who the next Democratic boogeyman will be; Pelosi was a HUGE target, in fact some dipshit Republican in my district (Maryland) just included FIRE PELOSI! on his campaign ads because I assume she is just such an effective target, kinda like the way…
every time I have heard someone who has resorted to cannibalism describe what it tastes like it’s usually described as pork (surprisingly, not chicken LOL). Bacon is great and pork chops are fine but there are still PLENTY of pigs walking around and I don’t think that will change LOL.
I’d like to see a debate between Warnock and Walker where each candidate gets to answer a series of either political questions (e.g. what will you do to make Georgia better as a Senator?) or random questions (e.g. is Die Hard a Christmas story or not? Is Jenny in Forrest Gump good or bad? If God is all powerful could…
no, it’s funny LOL. I literally burst out laughing when I read this that (1) it exists and (2) someone wrote an entire article about it. Look, I’m kinda bored today, don’t judge.
signs someone may be snow globing you: #5—Hallmark Christmas movies are running on a constant loop whenever you meet them LOL.
signs someone may be snow globing you: #5—Hallmark Christmas movies are running on a constant loop whenever you meet them LOL.
LOL this reminds me of my friend who is an internist complaining bitterly to me (a lawyer) about the *outrageous* cost of medical malpractice insurance. He might even have been one of the first to play the passive-aggressive “well if that’s what I have to pay then maybe I won’t practice medicine any more” which even…
I’ll take the over LOL, UNLESS a few OH legislators’ mistresses suddenly need abortions, then I may have to change my mind.
this is why I don’t understand the Democrats victory lap since midterms. Unless the Dems controlled Congress it’s gonna be difficult if not impossible to enact a federal law protecting abortion, leaving a lot of women open to this kind of unnecessary and sadistic bullshit, and as we’ve seen time and again this…
from her picture I can’t help thinking her smile can turn into a frown even faster than Melania’s at the inauguration LOL. (BTW IMO that’s one of the great GIFs of the last 10 years; I love sharing it in response to people sharing meh jokes with me.) Plus if there were ever a battle of the Karens between Calista and…
I think any woman in general who seems to possess more than half a brain freaks them the fuck out. And if they happen to be a *black* woman? Holy shit, civil war is coming! LOL
right? “these radical leftists and their uppity wives” LOL
very true, but (1) judges are humans, so sometimes some clinkers sneak in LOL, but probably more importantly (2) even though this judge at least deserves censure for allowing an attorney to ask a witness to fake an orgasm on the stand, I would assume no one would want to touch this specific instance involving a…
as a lawyer (not a courtroom litigator but still a lawyer) I feel obliged to speak up and say NO, you aren’t required to check your humanity at the door LOL, in fact a big part of the prosecution’s case requires humanity—showing the trauma this dickstain left these women with. This particular scumbag lawyer is part of…
for this the judge should make Weinstein AND his lawyer stand in front of the jury with their dicks out. The judge should have interceded and blocked an idiotic question like “what does a fake orgasm sound like” because there was absolutely no need for that other than to embarrass her. But hey, when you’re a rich…
why not both? LOL