
I’m just glad something has finally gotten Warnock to open his mouth and express a little fire. Democrats in general are far too civil with their GQP opponents when they try shit like this. If you’re part of the fight to saving the democracy then it’s OK to get pissed off occasionally, it doesn’t have to be part of

he is definitely getting raked by his party but I can’t really tell that he knows or cares. He seems as into this as Dr. Oz did, i.e. he’s committed to running, not necessarily serving, and at this point (much like T***p) is more concerned with not being seen losing than actually winning, and when (if) he loses I

for the sake of irony I’d be happy with “he slipped and fell out a 44 story window” LOL

I think Maher was still high on fumes from Religulous, which in retrospect was such an egregrious case of “punching down” it’s amazing--of COURSE no religion is going to stand up to any logical scrutiny, and I say that as a vehement opponent of organized religion.  At the time I thought off-the-charts smugness was

when this is all said and done, Putin cannot be dead enough in my book. I know that’s highly unlikely unless he drops his guard and someone in his inner circle kills him, because I can’t help thinking his oligarch buddies are NOT happy with how his bullshit has affected their bank accounts and they have put a bounty

Maher seems to be going through what Chappelle, Louis CK, JK Rowling, and even arguably Clarence Thomas are going through—people who are used to having their asses kissed regularly who when faced with criticism can’t deal with it, and instead assume the people doing the criticism are wrong, not *them*, and lean harder


The rush to get behind DeSantis feels extremely premature.

As long as that orange piece of shit can stand on a stage and speak semi-coherently

for everyone saying T***p might run as an independent—what’s to stop him from saying “fuck it” and running as a Republican even if the GQP nominates DeShithead? How fucking confusing and awesome would that be? Because the smart money would be on DeShithead BUT if polling shows T***p gets more support among the base

all true, which sadly makes me hope he *doesn’t* get indicted? (wow never thought I’d say that)

I feel like there’s enough smoke in those allegations (maybe not fire, but definitely not a good look either) to just go ahead and replace her.  Strange that they would let her spearhead such a substantive and volatile investigation with that hanging over her.

I believe Poland is now saying it was Ukraine who bombed them, not Russia.  Not sure what the truth is but given how surprisingly restrained Putin has been re: nuclear weapons, I don’t *think* he’d want to go and invite all of NATO to intervene, but he’s a sociopathic narcissist who has been embarrassed publicly for

I don’t claim to be able to predict politics esp. since 2016 but I will go on the record and predict there is ZERO.ZERO chance DeShithead will be T***p’s running mate LOL. WAAAAY too much ego on both sides of that equation, and in fact there’s a non-zero chance DeShithead might not go rogue during that administration

I still enjoy when Fox News shows a clip of him “sticking it to the libs” (especially when it’s presented as “speaking the truth” LOL).  Guess they haven’t figured out he is hell-bent on alienating *everyone* these days.

as people get older they tend to get more conservative, and when you age you enter DGAF mode, so the two together are a pretty heady brew. I think it’s analogous to the Cult 45 “movement” where T***p made it cool for shitty people to “throw off the shackles of civility” and be their true, racist, idiot selves.

all I can say is—I hope after Putin polarized and probably permanently damaged this country with his cyber-bullshit before the 2016 election that somewhere in our intel community we are paying him back with interest (and that excludes the billions of dollars in aid to the Ukraine).

same. The final straw was right after Jan 6th he had a black guy on whose schtick was “racism isn’t real in America, and if black people would stop complaining about it, it would go away”, and you could almost see Maher’s draw hit the desk in happy disbelief, and for the rest of the show they sucked each others dicks

He always amused me because he was “our” smug asshole LOL until Ben Affleck of all people rightly called him out for his anti-Islamic racism and Maher fucking lost it and had a little tantrum (basically “don’t you dare embarrass me on my show!!”), and I found myself applauding Affleck without realizing it, because

for all the commenters pointing out the new slogan must be “MAGAGA”: