
the only thing that makes me think this *wasn’t* a Watergate-level fuck-up by the GQP is that no one wrote “propert of Huntr Bidn” on it. But overall yeah, this was an D- attempt at embarrassing Biden that will be forgotten once House Republicans conclude their “investigation” without any evidence of anything.

I love the implication that Chapek, a white male millionaire ex-CEO of one of the biggest brands in the world, deserved sympathy or whatever. Everyone can rest easy, I’m certain that he and his multi-million dollar buyout will be just fine despite not getting to make a final statement. Maybe they even paid him enough

agreed. Chapek seemed to bring an obnoxious accountant/financial guy mindset to Disney which might have pleased the spoiled shareholders to no end but as a loyal Disney slave LOL, it just pissed me off to hear him talking so brazenly about “we know we have a great product so we’re going to make the lemmings pay for

yeah pretty much, he said ruefully LOL

no they actually sold this at a special small kiosk in Norway; it was some kind of wheat ale whose name escapes me. It was so good even after that dipshit knocked it out of my hand I went back and bought another LOL.

YES. You hit THE primary reason I want to go back to DWorld every year despite the cost and all the other bullshit. Walking around at the end of a long hot day, noshing on various mildly overpriced food samples from the different pavilions (along with a different alcoholic beverage from each) is as close to adult

I just hope the people who finally subdued this shitstain after his chickenshit rampage had a minute or two before the police arrived to beat the ever-loving shit out of him.  He deserves more than jail, he deserves a lifetime of pain in prison.

if Gisele has one-tenth the troll game of her husband (that we saw used against Dr. Oz), then she and AOC should join forces and bring every conservative man in America to tears LOL. That would be a formidable team. I imagine they could just stare at some paper tiger limpdick like Don Jr in response to a tweet and

I feel like a lot of kids are just socially trained to react positively to Disney from their friends or whomever so scheduling Disney trips with kids is almost like playing with loaded dice LOL. But yeah I grudgingly admire the spirit of the employees, especially the people who play the characters, it would be

yep right here LOL. they create a very friendly but chill vibe that I and my family like, and I don’t mind paying for it because it’s one of the very few experiences my entire family loves.  Mind you I don’t care about the Mouse or any of those characters but once they started marketing the shit out of Star Wars, I

LOL I know right? “work harder you peons, Mickey is bathing in Cristal tonight with a bunch of French prostitutes!”

the RWNJs complained a lot on social media and that’s probably it but what Disney probably doesn’t want is Fox or Newsmax getting ahold of the story and firing up all the Karens who unexpectedly did *not* show up at midterms despite their OUTRAGE at the Dobbs ruling, i.e. the hidden white supremacist cabal that

you mean it’s not?  LOL

and aren’t corporations *people* now? LOL

in a masochistic way I’d almost be curious to see how the conservative lawyers who drafted this appeal made the concepts of “being contrarian pricks” and “owning the libs” and “I got mine, fuck everyone else” appear to have some kind of sound and credible legal foundation LOL.

I’d bet folding money Thomas has already written the majority opinion on this and cannot wait to jam it down liberals’ throats because he’s a fucking hypocritical troll at this point.  I wish Roberts would grow a spine and step up and do some fucking thing, he *seems* to be the only conservative on the court who

and oh BTW, are we ever going to hear from all the justices who lied to Congress under oath during their confirmation hearings about their intentions with Roe? Because that is a way bigger story than this leak, which I’m sure has happened before because again, the GQP has lost its fucking mind (even the “learned legal

Dems complaining about hilarious injustices like this by conservatives only gives Cult 45 chubs LOL (ever heard them gloating about “liberal tears”?). The GQP only cares about the parts of democracy that keep them in power, the rest is bullshit, so Dems need to find a few sympathetic Republicans to join forces (highly

since Roberts is the only one on this court who *might* have a semblance of integrity (yes I know he’s a conservative but it’s also *his* court and he seems somewhat aware of his place in history), please do the right thing here and don’t let this shit slide. The conservatives on the court like Alito and Thomas are

I went to DW in October (gotta love Food & Wine LOL) before they raised prices *the next week*, but seeing that they had done away with the free system for getting in lines for rides was especially irritating (especially under the guise of “we want to limit the number of visitors post-pandemic,” very rich from the