
you’re assuming he would even acknowledge logic or reason like that.

I feel like that could be something that could fire up the GQP with such an apparently political move, when we want the GQP flailing, confused, and weak, not energized and focused. Merrick Garland does NOT strike me as having the stones to indict a presidential nominee either.

I am really torn about whether DeShithead will run or not.  If he runs then T***p will almost certainly split the vote and ensure even a weak Democrat gets elected (unless the Dems call the most ill-advised audible in history and nominate a woman or POC).  If he doesn’t then he will have wasted the last 2-3 years

I vote for Gavin Newsom to be the Democratic nominee for president. He would not be my ideal choice (that would be Jamie Raskin but ironically he’s *too* principled and tired of the GQP’s bullshit to run), he looks like a cheap car salesman, but he has good enough progressive bona fides, experience running a very

I’m estimating (i.e. my best guess based on no evidence and pulled directly from my ass LOL) that 25% of Cult 45 is truly “ride or die” with T***p, and the rest will sheepishly flip to DeShithead in the vain hope he can help keep the GQP in power.  If that’s true then depending on how long that lasts the GQP *may* be

this is the question I’m hoping to see answered—out of Cult 45, how many are true cultists who are totally beholden to him (above power, the GQP, etc.) and how many want the power and will therefore sheepishly back DeShithead?  I would place the true number of hardcore, ride or die T***pists at 25%, which will never

usually I am OK with the criminal justice system erring on the side of letting guilty people walk so that less innocent people don’t get jailed, but first Gaetz, now this...you’re emboldening the wrong people with this shit.

I hope this isn’t a case of a federal prosecutor not willing to prosecute someone who deserves to be prosecuted for fear of losing a high profile case (i.e. if the juror has a single Cult 45er on it), because every day that T***p isn’t indicted makes me wonder about that as well. It’s great to prosecute the underlings

I will help you get it trending if you like LOL.  What I don’t get it, almost without exception, EVERY one of the women he has been with in the last 7-8 years was generally agreed to be hot.  They didn’t need a “Davidson blue check” so to speak LOL.

I wish all the women he has “been with” in the biblical sense would get together for a 2 hour special (alcohol served) to discuss how they ended up with him, because...I still don’t get it. This feels like it has gone from “he has a big dick” or “he’s funny” or “just have fun for a few months” to “it’s an official

I wish all the women he has “been with” in the biblical sense would get together for a 2 hour special (alcohol served) to discuss how they ended up with him, because...I still don’t get it. This feels like it has gone from “he has a big dick” or “he’s funny” or “just have fun for a few months” to “it’s an official

right?  how long has she had that dude in the chamber?  LOL

in a feud between Uncle George and Shatner, I’m always siding with UG. Shatner *might* be able to drum up some actual sympathy if he didn’t insist on injecting a molecule of snark in his statements about them, e.g. the passive aggressive bullshit about him getting attention by dinging Shatner, or just taking the high

these stories NEVER get old; I don’t know about you all but I’d be very happy to see at least 2-3 stories like these per month where some pervert asshat after years or decades of asshattery FINALLY faces serious consequences (or as they call it, “cancellation” LOL). I like to imagine them all having those

let me guess--she needed help busting up a chiffarobe?  LOL

let me guess--she needed help busting up a chiffarobe?  LOL

finding out just how stupid, fearful, and easily triggered the “average American” is has been pretty eye-opening and depressing the last 5-6 years. When you don’t have a cogent policy other than “tax breaks for the ultra wealthy” and “worship T***p” and “trigger liberal tears”, the GQP knows fear will reliably trigger

I’m amazed she didn’t include a motion for a visit with a proper hairdresser LOL.  

definitely DeShithead LOL.  He seems much ruder and more brusque than t***p, in other words a truer dom that will make Blanche’s heart quake.

I love (1) the guy with the FUCK YOU ADRIAN poster standing 10 feet away from Adrian without a care in the world, and (2) the dipshit with both a MAGA hat and the Let’s go Brandon t-shirt.  You need only wear one of those to prove to the rest of the world your dipshittiness, you don’t get bonus points for more than