
LOL based on Chapek’s corporate speak bullshit, that will NOT happen any time soon.  There is “demand” for Disney’s “product” and good capitalists NEVER tinker with that unless it affects profits.  

we have adopted the philosophy (maybe unwisely) to not look at the price and accept that whatever it is (because we generally know what it will be), you know everyone will have a great time, create a lot of memories, and that’s worth it. For my family there are relatively few experiences that we ALL agree we love, and

I’m pretty sure someone wrote a story here maybe last year when the “Star Wars hotel” opened at that insane price. That was my first true epiphany that Disney was maybe morphing into something more nakedly greedy and classist (yes, even more than usual LOL).

my family and I are longtime Disney World attendees and fans; we went just last month (Food & Wine baby!) and I gotta agree, things seem a little less shiny, and that’s huge for us because Disney is really the ONLY vacation where I try NOT to look at the bill because I knew it would gag me LOL; I knew whatever it was,

I’d much rather see her get punched in the face by one of those Democrats, it would be FAR more satisfying IMO.  I wonder if Nancy Pelosi has it in her if 3-Toed Marge came up to her and gloated about her husband.  Imagine the shock and horror over at Fox News if that happened LOL.

if you had asked me to bet on the RWNJ with the *least* offensive bad take on the Pelosi assault, I would not have picked 3-Toed Marge in a million years LOL.  She should still fuck off.

it’s still strange to see such a decided lack of animus towards her on this website (in general); just about everywhere else, the Depp stans are still out for blood, they’re even worse than Cult 45ers or the GQP in their rabidly psychotic insistence that Heard is Satan and Depp is a saint, and saying anything *but*

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again...the monarchy needs to be blown up and all their land returned to the citizens. They’re leeches, nothing more. Like organized religion, back in the day they arguably served a useful purpose as a figurehead for maintaining control, but we’re *slightly* more civilized and

I know it’s probably embarrassing for a lot of them but I wish these types of people who fall especially hard into Cult 45 and QAnon worship would share this reality of American life and less the “Fuck your feelings libtard” bullshit; it makes them a lot easier to sympathize with than the “immigrants are stealing jobs

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Farting Corpse” LOL

in the Documentary Now! context, this might be what “Juan Likes Rice and Chicken” *should* have been, and that’s saying a lot because that was pretty good on its own.

when you wrote about getting Daniel Radcliffe laid I imagined him walking into any comic con in the world and within 2 seconds getting attacked by women to the point that I’d literally fear for his life. He’d probably be content if you just went to the deli and brought him back lunch LOL.

(1) the last few years have been an especially important lesson in democracy; just as we now all know a lot more about arcane stuff like the Emoluments Clause and how impeachment actually works, we also should better understand that democracy requires a commitment by both sides to play by the rules, even when your

this feels like the story that Documentary Now! was created to tell. Two guys throwing rocks at each other while two other guys talk about it with utmost seriousness?  FUCK and YES.  I cannot wait to watch it; I hope the payoff is as good as the setup.

I don’t know why but when I heard about this I was far more interested in seeing Evan Rachel Woods as Madonna; I can’t think of a better current actress to play her at her mid-80's peak hotness. Sounds like from the review she nailed it too.

it’s impressive that he is this way when it would have been SOOOO easy for him to become the world’s biggest douchebag after being a movie star at the age of 10 or whatever he was in one of the most successful movie franchises of all time (after being born into show biz), and instead seems to have channeled that into

No one knows why Rowling has made it her life’s mission to spoil whatever public goodwill she had on a worthless quest to have her bogus beliefs received with warmth and understanding.

I’m still wrapping my head around the reality of suffering an injury in combat that required such extensive rehabilitation and recovery *because you want or need to be deployed again*.  Christ that’s depressing.

and how often does CPR actually work to revive someone whose heart has stopped? like you said, you’re really not putting that much pressure on their heart doing even proper chest compressions compared to actually squeezing it via an open chest cavity, so how effective is it actually?

why not? don’t people who are being deposed leading up to a trial plead the Fifth all the time unless they have some kind of deal in place?