very true, she has overstayed her welcome as long as Moscow Mitch and Schumer for that matter. Younger people can be just as shrewd and strategic as older ones.
very true, she has overstayed her welcome as long as Moscow Mitch and Schumer for that matter. Younger people can be just as shrewd and strategic as older ones.
I read a story years ago about how Deniro is a power napper; I think Hugh Grant was on a press tour in the back of a NYC taxi and found that out. Maybe that’s how Bono “runs with the big dogs” of rock LOL.
it’s a wonder SCOTUS can get any *real* work done when they’re ruling on all these Hail Mary motions brought to delay the inevitable prosecution of t***p and everyone in his orbit LOL.
among the many, many facts about America you could point to and say “that’s American as *fuck*”, the fact that our hilariously (but not in a good way), absurdly, criminally expensive health care system could produce the highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy nations...well, that’s just American as fuck. You…
tangential to this story, I really wish the near murder of her husband by a RWNJ lunatic whose lunacy was motivated by a failing political party grasping for power would cause Nancy to drop the ultra-polite career politician facade and declare all-out war on the GQP—sue them for defamation for claiming her husband had…
it’s starting to feel like in a year Twitter will be completely in the shitter and he will sell it for pennies on the dollar and announce triumphantly “you are all welcome, I decimated that shitty platform that no one including myself liked, society is now a little better place” before strutting off to make an offer…
40 years is the most they could get for what smells an awful lot like premeditated murder? what a joke on top of a needless tragedy.
I would argue that it’s poorly expressed just because I’m virtually certain that I’m not the only person who thought the writer had *literally forgotten to finish typing their sentence* LOL
I never knew Jennifer Aniston was that short LOL
it’s giving pedophilia...what? some people (especially Cult 45ers and social media “influencer” wannabes) would really benefit from having someone with a brain review their posts before they go out to confirm they’re as cutting or clever as they *think* they are before they send them, otherwise you run the risk of…
I can’t believe after the past 10-30 years of nothing but negative publicity about Scientology that it’s still a *thing*, but totally agree with your sentiment, however I am not optimistic because boy when Americans fall into any cult, be it Scientology or Cult 45, they commit fully, they don’t half-ass it, and the…
between shit like this and DeShithead’s rather stunning and hilarious non-response to his opponent’s perfectly reasonable request for him to commit to serving a full term if re-elected (which everyone with a pulse knows would be utter bullshit IF he said he would), I can’t help wondering how this fits under the “tough…
when I read testimony like this I imagine being the prosecutor in this case and forcing him to either stand in front of the jury with his pants down or just show a picture of it like “is this what you saw?” to each witness just to embarrass him a little. He’s not eligible for the death penalty but he deserves every…
I mean, it’s the same party that just mocked Biden’s VM for saying he loved his son (gag). They have no bottom (other than Blanche) and are proud of it. Remember when being a congressman was an esteemed position? That idea seems so quaint now it’s basically obsolete (at least for the GQP).
I hope Nancy is walking the halls of Congress one day with her security detail and sees Clay Higgins walking towards her and yells “GUN!” and lets the situation resolve itself. He is a shitstain among shitstain and that’s saying a lot for the GQP.
these were almost certainly the choices the Times poll gave them. Throw some Natty Ices in them and tell them to list their policy priorities and I bet that list changes to:
every time I see this shit stain I wonder—how does someone allegedly do so much Crossfit and still can’t grow a chin? LOL
it seems like an annoying number of liberals *still* haven’t figured out that however high-minded “when they go low, we go high” is, it is a LOSING mindset in our current political environment. Telling yourself “at least I played the game with respect” won’t matter much as we’re violently dragged back to the 50's…
it sure seems like Thomas lurched into full “DGAF” mode after he was in the hospital for reasons unknown, probably saw a bunch of liberals on social media talking casually about his replacement, and decided to return with a “oh so you wanted me to DIE? well get ready for me to ram my conservative dick down your…
I hope Abrams doesn’t end up being another hypercompetent person running for political office who never gets to hold an office where she could effect the positive change she wants to, but if that’s the case she may want to consider leaving Georgia, because no amount of valid questions like this will change these…