
I have no reason to assume this will be the case but it makes me think of the disastrous Star Wars Christmas special with Bea Arthur that everybody smirked and cringed their way through (I actually watched back in the day, that’s how old I am and how big a Star Wars fan I am LOL.)  Unless I hear rave reviews about

I have never seen someone tear a server a new one and then act sane with the manager; normally that psychosis extends (if not worsens) once the manager shows up.  If anything, what’s far more cringey to me is watching the manager turn on the server to appease the customer.  My daughter is a server and she says all the

can we please move on to something else now?  this arrogant prick is NOT going to apologize, this is the closest we will ever get to that.  He’s a jerk, there was proof of that before this happened.  He could have filmed himself apologizing in person to the servers and declining the 10 years of free food, it would

and 5 Guys is SOOOO fucking expensive for cheeseburgers and fries. AND I also hate that a single (or “junior”) is a little less than I want to eat, and a double (or “normal”) is a little more than I want to eat.  And you reek of fried food if you decide to sit down.  (don’t ask if I still eat there in spite of all

next time you witness that you have my permission to go postal on that dickhead LOL, because I think the entire country needs more people getting in the face of obnoxious pricks (<cough> Cult 45 <cough>) everywhere and putting them in their place. Somehow people like that have either evaded real consequences for that

I still remember taking a CPR class and the instructor basically telling us if you do it *right* you will *probably* break a few ribs on the recipient; I remember looking around at everyone else like “WTF??”  And the instructor patiently interjecting to remind us “broken ribs beats the alternative.”

I have a feeling he will end up getting work (if he wants, because as you said, he doesn’t *need* to work thanks to Friends) because I think his situation is similar to Brendan Fraser’s--a well-liked actor who had a TON of bad shit happen to him that he made public, he showed his humanity, and has engendered a lot of

the abortion decision is between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders LOL...what if the exam room isn’t big enough to hold them all? Should they try to reschedule so that everyone can attend?

I just want to understand why as always, Democrats in general are held to a much higher standard in every respect than the GQP.  It’s like everyone assumes they’re the adults and the GQP are the idiots in the back of the bus who make fart noises and try to act cool, so the bar is ALWAYS lower for them, and Dems never

I was floored to see the pictures now circulating of young Leslie Jordan when he was shirtless and buff and hairy, like a Robin Williams doppelganger. What a sad loss.

this is what defense attorneys do in this country and they make appalling, gag-inducing amounts of money to do it. I’m watching the documentary about Keith Raniere and his attorney is doing more or less the same thing—what they did is just how things are; this was all consensual; and oh BTW how dare you take away the

why do I feel extremely “meh” about the inevitable Superman/Black Adam CGI punch-fest in 3-4 years? like the guy below said, can they please make Superman more hopeful and corny and less dark and angsty? I don’t think too many people would push back against that.

If the removal of the gay conversion therapy segments from his website was deliberate, it’s unclear to whom, exactly, Oz is pandering.

I had to read and reread Ana Navarro’s quip about being married to a Cuban man and Ted Cruz before I remembered he’s Cuban LOL. I guess he’s Cuban the way Nikki Haley is Indian—it’s a card they play but only when needed, until then they keep it buried in their wallet, don’t want to freak out and/or confuse the average

he has probably been openly hated for so much of his life he has developed some sort of warped mindset for dealing with it.  Deep down I suspect he thinks like most conservative/bully wannabes that it’s OK that he has no friends and his family hates him but he has POWER and one day he’ll show them all that they should

I hope he went in to Yankee Stadium thinking he was going to heckle the fans after the Astros won (to be fair, this Yankee Stadium is a FARRRRR cry from the old Yankee Stadium that I went to and got heckled for wearing my Orioles hat but mainly in a non-threatening way because that’s when they sucked LOL).

makes me think of the Jan 6th insurrectionists and all their “STAND DOWN” Nick Fury bullshit they tried to pull with the Capitol police *when they were surrounded by their asshole buddies.”  Put them in a group of similarly minded dipshits and all of a sudden they’re Steven Seagal Jr., but then they get arrested and

a known white supremacist was wearing a t-shirt with my name on it while canvassing for my Senate race, I’m not sure I’d broadcast that incident in defense of him

or a “radical leftist thug” in this case LOL

hopefully no one thinks Newsmax did this because they had a “crisis of conscience” or whatever; they did this because they assessed no one would miss her AND they could a few “credibility” points by doing this. I guarantee they have employees who say wackier shit than she does.