
I remember taking family law in law school and was briefly considering specializing in that (SO glad in retrospect that I did not) until the judge, a highly experienced family court judge, began hammering home the “best interests of the child” standard and then towards the end of the semester basically admitted judges

I’d rather he be exiled back to the UK but sure, whatever gets him out of here works for me LOL.

another example of the dumbification of politics and the country in general.  Each side seems to prepare by memorizing a bunch of catchy phrases and nasty stuff about the other side, while hoping to regurgitate something catchy that “goes viral”.  Debates are idiotic and pointless and have absolutely no substance but

the world’s phoniest, most obnoxious and overblown talk show host has thoughts on what’s beneath coverage in the NY Times, and shocker, it just so happens to cast him in a bad light LOL have we decided which country gets custody of him when he quits his job?

I have worked in corporate America and worked for companies that supported corporate America through consulting services and in both cases have had managers explain to me why a seemingly BAD thing was actually GOOD, usually involving an impending lay-off LOL. I concluded that the Peter Principle was more widespread

LOL I can think of a thousand reasons to call the US evil but Epstein’s black book is right here:  https://epsteinsblackbook.com/

I mean...in terms of stature and fame and Oscars (pre-sex predator accusations of course), Spacey>>>Rapp.  But this sounds like a dig Spacey told his lawyers (undoubtedly in that weird Southern villain voice he used in that video a few years ago) to throw in during his victory lap.  I like Rapp’s long-term career

the US appears to have evolved a new type of consequence called “OJ guilt” where an obviously guilty person goes free thanks to a shockingly expensive legal defense and highly skilled PR team but is then basically a pariah for the rest of their life. It’s harder to make a living, most of their interactions are with

Harrison Ford is a stoner? Well color me all kinds of surprised. Then why does he always seem so fucking grumpy?  Dear god what must he be like when he’s NOT stoned???  LOL

well the “protecting others” and “you won’t catch Covid” are more a matter of science and how sometimes the conclusions you reach depend on the evidence at hand and natural limitations rather than being a “big bag of lies” but whatever, you’re unequivocally proving how fucked this country is because the reality of the

knowing what we now know (the vaccinated can still contract, and maybe more importantly, spread the virus), all that talk about saving gramma was a bit premature.

at his age and temperament shouldn’t we just assume Harrison Ford thinks every Asian adult is Short Round?  LOL

I will give Staunton the benefit of the doubt for all the reasons you mentioned (and because they’ve already filmed her and I have no choice LOL), but I didn’t think anyone could top Helen Mirren’s depiction of QE2 until Olivia Colman did. She nailed the voice and mannerisms, even looks a lot like her without little

(1) which high-ranking Dems were vaccine hesitant?

<reads thoughtful essay>

no offense to Imelda Staunton whose Dolores Umbridge was one of the top 5 movie villains of all time IMHO for her quiet smiling sadism, but Olivia Colman should have stayed QE2, she was perfect and brill.

LOL reminds me of way back in 2015 when the pussy grabbing tape got leaked and my evangelical cousin who blindly supported t***p asked me with total seriousness “isn’t that how all guys talk?” and it kind of stunned me for 10 seconds as I processed the implications of that, namely (1) what kind of pieces of shit do

I think everything’s that done any more is fighting for that sliver of “undecided” or “independent” idiots who still apparently can’t see the difference between competence and gross incompetence.  Honestly they infuriate me more than the diehard cultists who are the basis of the GQP’s “win at all costs and if you

everything they have done *in the last 6 months and continue to double down on*...it feels like they are doing an experiment to test the limits of the American attention span LOL. It is weird that an entire political party that used to have something resembling policies or a platform has now regressed to “power at all

a paperweight also has more dignity LOL