
but what if you’re black and/or a Democrat, and the person enforcing the law REALLY wants to look tough by fucking with you for no reason knowing there will be no repercussions? Can he do it then? (just kidding, he’s going to do that and much worse no matter what)

if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend watching the pro-choice commercial Eric Swalwell released recently showing a young mother getting arrested for having had an abortion, it’s a sneak preview of what DeShithead will be gleefully doing after he’s re-elected governor to build his bona fides for his 2024

sounds like a reasonable idea because (1) none of those people leap out at me as an obvious solo host, and (2) you don’t want to piss off any of them because they *didn’t* get the hosting gig and end up losing them as correspondents either.  Who knows maybe it will make the whole show funnier and nastier like it was

I hope a cottage industry arises to take these infuriatingly over-long series (looking right at you Dahmer) and trim them down into something watchable. The docuseries on A&E about this story was only 4 parts, they had to explode it into 8??

yes but wasn’t this “baby” that he “fought” for years and years to get made?  He had a lot riding on this movie’s success and he wasn’t going to limit box office just to please the fans like Ryan Reynolds did.

the epilogue to this story will be when Corden acts like a sarcastic prick to the staff for the rest of his life. Well done dude.

JFC I forgot all about those...man they were weird.

“my dad was a homophobic neo-Nazi (of course we’ll never get to drill into that because dad is long dead) which made me become an unrepentant sexual predator.” LOL I sure hope the jury sees that for the massive pile of bullshit it is. At some point bro no matter what evil shit your dad did to *you*, *you* can still

apparently the divorce is still proceeding so her comment is still a real mystery, BUT he has requested that their proceedings be *unsealed* so we’ll get to see ALL the juicy (and gross) details of their marriage, hopefully right before midterms.

guffaw, chortle, and titter are extremely under-used synonyms for laugh IMHO, so bravo to you LOL

(1) ‘Murica

this down-shifting to a PG-13 just screams the Rock’s involvement; no one as brand-conscious as him would be cool being tagged with an ultra-violent movie that draws a hard R, which is too bad, I’d be WAY more interested in seeing this as a hard R.  Deadpool made $700 million TWICE as a hard R, it’s not Avengers $1

yes he did file for divorce and you’re right that confused me too, maybe they reconciled? or maybe she thought the only way anyone *might* take her bullshit claim seriously is because a man gave it to her? LOL

you are lying about me and you will not defame my character in that manner

I knew this would be an even bigger shit-show than Warnock/Walker and it sounds like that was the case. I assume Flowers prepared for this by standing in a room full of white women who just shouted accusations at him for 90 minutes, kinda like Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader while being hit with big metal things

now I’m picturing “your cousin—FROM BOS-TON” being dragged away in handcuffs complaining about broken rubbers and I’m laughing my ass off.

maybe he’s just being a little bitchy from being on his diet for so long?  LOL just kidding, this is one of the least surprising headlines I’ve read in a long time.  I only watched that Friends reunion show for about 5 minutes and I’ll never forget him jumping up to introduce Janice and the way he did it screamed

he seems like a genuinely talented guy--can sing, dance (maybe), seems charismatic--but I suspect the US thought they were getting Graham Norton and instead got one of the biggest “show biz” phonies ever known to man.

re: the upcoming Baltimore march...I live in the heart of T***pistan in Baltimore County, about 5-10 miles north of the city, and I would NOT be surprised if the Baltimore march is a bit more substantive than the Boston one.  I am already rubbing my temples in embarrassment.

seriously, if the local government had its shit together they would have been SCOURING this crowd of dopes for deadbeat dads LOL