
if (?) Walker loses this race, I hope he does a weekly show called “Grammer Police” (yes I know it’s misspelled) where he walks around and calls out people in public for using bad grammar after whipping out this exact badge and loudly exclaiming “GRAMMER POLICE!” but unbeknownst to him, in the corner of the screen

alligator pit=”deep state” LOL

since so few people mention his name, I will ask—I wonder what Warnock thinks about all this deep down in the totally candid parts of his brain that he will NEVER show publicly unless heavily inebriated? he seems like a standup guy, he didn’t humiliate Walker like he could and arguably should have (because the last

yes and I would go further so that if a GQPer knows they’re going to get their ass handed to them in a debate to the point that they’re going to lie their asses off (i.e. nearly all of them) and announces grandly that they’re not participating, the Democrat should still be allowed to participate in the debate against

t***p for the thinking man’s cultist; for the “Democrats” who unironically supported Tulsi Gabbard, or listen to Joe Rogan because he knows what’s *really* going on.  

the Logan Act *may* not apply here but given Russian’s ongoing antagonism of the US (both directly and indirectly) I feel this should at least warrant a call from the DOJ or Blinken telling him to back the fuck off. Musk would NEVER be obsequious about something like this but I feel like the point could be made and

LOL how pissed off would Musk be today if they tried to do that scene now with RDJ walking away and basically doing the “jerking off” hand motion? (I honestly don’t know if Musk just wouldn’t do the scene, or he would do it in a pathetic t***pian grasp for attention of any kind.)

I wish there was an app that would either eliminate the names of Kanye West, Elon Musk, and t***p from my newsfeed, or replace them with Dickhead 1, Dickhead 2, and Dickhead 3 (it wouldn’t matter who was who). And yes I would be perfectly fine if option 1 turned my newsfeed into a blank screen LOL.

so...has the big wet man-baby responded to this? Because I’d bet he doesn’t; Stone actually seems to scare and confuse him, and if you learn anything from the mean streets of Queens, it’s that you don’t pick a fight with the crazy guy, he might force you to watch while his wife has sex with other guys LOL.

LOL oh the bluster of today’s GQP microdicked conservative will never cease to amuse me. That statement about Jared’s 1000 “men” against Roger Stone’s 5000 really captures the mindset doesn’t it? Their standard fascist tough guy scenario where they’re the swinging dick generals pitting the lives of their lemmings

we see this fact, but they don’t because they choose not to (because it would just bubble up the unpleasant reality that the Cult 45 experience allowed them to submerge for 5-6 years that they’re shitty people just like the libtards have been saying all along they are) or they’re so cult-addled or outright insane they

I’m amazed he’s not giving proactive pardons, i.e. “when this ‘steal’ is exposed and I am ‘reinstated’ as President (on a side note, whenever any GQPer mentions ‘reinstating’ him as President it just makes me laugh and laugh), I will pardon you on day 1 for $500k.” I could totally see him doing this and totally see

does it feel like the bots/trolls are getting better, or the people who normally post here just more easily triggered these days, what with a pretty important midterm looming LOL? I mean, by the end of the first sentence I was ready to flag/dismiss the post as a rather funny trolling effort before I saw it got 4 likes.

I would bet the money in my wallet he is a typical Cult 45 higher-up who gets out of fights by yelling “you don’t want a piece of this, I was raised on the mean streets of ___” (when in reality they grew up in luxury) while praying to themselves that you don’t actually swing a fist LOL.

they have spent their entire lives being told how awesome and special they are (despite having done little if anything to justify that mindset) because they are American, and then someone comes along and tells you “hey you, yeah you, the loser, you’re NOT a loser, I see you, you may be a piece of shit like me but you

I still remember back in 2015 “debating” my idiot evangelical cousin who supported t***p because he was such a good “businessman” (her mom, my aunt, supported him because unlike Obama “he’s one of us,” <wink wink>) and I pointed out (1) NO, he’s demonstrably NOT a good businessman, he just has enough money to afford

seriously.  Can we go back to ignoring him now?  LOL

“Dear TJ, sorry if my ad-libbing while in character hurt your feelings—at least I didn’t call in a fake bomb threat against you! Also just to be clear there is ZERO fucking chance you will EVER work on a movie with me. Best, Ryan” LOL

after reading the article, WOW the comparisons to t***p are stunning. A paranoid toxic narcissist badly running an enterprise (both based in Washington LOL) and lacking the self-awareness or foresight to see this will only end badly for him, but willing to immolate everything to preserve the most important thing in

just imagine the circular firing squad of lawsuits that would come out of something like this LOL. It would be like the end of the Winter Soldier. The NFL represents the absolute worst of America—racism, jingoism, toxic masculinity, greed, capitalism—and to see it self-immolate like that would be glorious. I’d buy ALL