
the whole thing reeks of what Putin is doing—a megalomaniac with a little man complex having his shortcomings publicly exposed and responding with threats of mutually assured destruction. To both I’d say, either do it or shut the fuck up because I’m gonna stop caring pretty fast.

it feels like we’ve become so inured to white rich assholes behaving like unapologetic dickheads the last 5-10 years (or maybe the last 200-300 years), I really don’t know what new intel he could have. Let me guess, the owners think the concussion protocol is dumb and routinely use the N word? The whole thing has the

I assumed the absolute best thing to come out of this sequel would be a few weeks of awesome and hilarious interviews with Jamie Lee Curtis and based on this review it seems I was right LOL.

There was a Terrifier 1?  LOL

I had the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE at Exorcist 3 in a New Orleans theater and it’s still one of my favorite theater experiences ever LOL. You could hear the audience nervous laughing before the final scare knowing something bad was probably going to happen and the payoff was incredible.

it is all those but what stayed with me was all those friends dying for each other in very wrenching ways, like the one who died to get that line to the other side of that trench knowing she’d die horribly.  

think how much smarter the country is about the 5th Amendment, the impeachment process, the Emoluments clause, the Logan Act, and so much more thanks to t***p LOL.

don’t forget the uncounted thousands of Floridians he let die during Covid because “you’re not the boss of him.”  But hey, that will all look incredible in his presidential campaign ads.

to me what gave Hereditary its most emotional impact was the conflict between the mom and her son after that death. Christ that fight was hard to watch and still is, just so much love and pain and rage being spilled on a table and poor Gabriel Byrne (a psychologist as I recall) could only sit and watch.

the Descent was great and underrated but I group that with “torture porn” which doesn’t “scare” me per se, it really just bums me out that some people want to watch others be tortured and suffer.  The whole “Saw” series and its popularity makes zero sense to me.

the impact of the BWP didn’t hit me until my wife had to explain to me why the guy was standing in the corner of the basement, THEN it hit me LOL.  (also I went with a coworker and he was literally so nauseated by the camera work he left after about 15 minutes)

don’t think it’s scary but it’s still one of my favorites because of the almost laugh out loud audacity of stuff like what’s in your GIF and of course the iconic “head that crawls away like a giant fucked up spider” LOL.

I saw that with my dad and brother and while I was shaken by it like you were, they were like “next time we’re picking the movie” LOL

that original Exorcist trailer...holy fucking shit, that movie is the ONLY one on this list that messed with my sleep as a child, and that was BEFORE I saw that trailer, which would probably mess with my sleep as an adult if I hadn’t turned it off LOL.  (and after Hereditary was positively compared to the Exorcist I

dark and more importantly to me, not that funny. They struck me as being more like good dramas with occasionally funny bits thrown in. Nowhere close to the genius comedy of the first few seasons.

as with Biden’s VM to his drug addict son, or their blase attitude towards pro-life Herschel Walker paying for 2 abortions (that we know of), I question how wise it is for the GQP to attack Democrats for things many of their voters have experienced, and then I remember (1) it’s all about power, calling them hypocrites

FYI your whole exchange with “the troll who shall not be named” LOL was a really good summary of the troll experience. Over FOUR hours this dumbshit went back and forth with various commenters (like a brain damaged monkey spinning plates like they did on 70's variety shows), in some cases copying/pasting nonsense into

someone’s getting a sternly worded letter from OSU’s marketing department LOL

I just want to know how apparently none of these “popular college kids” beat the everloving shit out of him for that little prank LOL

give it time LOL