
I *tried* to like the Dreamland episodes, I really did, but when it came to Archer I hated the idea of lowering my expectations for such a brilliant show especially when Adam Reed was still running things, and the Dreamland episodes seemed like he got bored and wanted to amuse himself more than the viewers, and maybe

I *tried* to like the Dreamland episodes, I really did, but when it came to Archer I hated the idea of lowering my expectations for such a brilliant show especially when Adam Reed was still running things, and the Dreamland episodes seemed like he got bored and wanted to amuse himself more than the viewers, and maybe

as a longtime passionate lover of Archer (seasons 1-6 only) I have wondered practically every year since then why and how it remains alive despite such an obvious drop-off in brilliance (I assume the Dreamland seasons were contractually obligated, so this question applies mainly to the seasons since then), and I have

I was gonna say “wow, what a ‘Republican’ candidate, he will have a great career in politics with that track record” LOL. I would have loved to be someone who had to read the phrase “train wreck” in a lawyer’s annual review, that’s fantastic.

yes, but if you do the jury is allowed to make “adverse inferences” about why you “pled the Fifth”, so his lawyers will probably just tell him to say “I don’t remember” over and over. He only gets bottom shelf lawyers so maybe they’ll forget about the “adverse inference” concept in a civil suit and it will cost him,

given that since this is a civil case and the absolute best outcome anyone not in Cult 45 can hope for is some kind of monetary settlement (that BTW he will promise to pay and then delay paying forever), I just hope between the MAL documents case, the GA case, this, and any other cases I forgot that he will probably av

she must receive the vilest death threats or worse every day because of daring to hold him accountable.  When some Cult 45er asks “why are you so triggered by t***p libtard? what did he or we ever do to you?” I remember shit like this and tell them, if you support him in any way it proves you have an egregious

save your money, he’ll just say “I can’t remember” or plead the Fifth over and over, and then strut off proclaiming victory.  

great, 6 hours of endless “I can’t recalls” and “I plead the Fifths,” which BTW only guilty people and the Mafia do.

all good advice, however the biggest problem here with the incels is the disconnect between their overall “package” and the women they think they’re entitled to, i.e. if they’d punch within their class they might have better luck. It’s that same hilarious and wildly unjustified sense of entitlement that because

uh, but that would take effort and self-awareness, which they have none of. Unfortunately it’s up to karma to take care of them.

you know if you’re going to be an effective troll you really shouldn’t get triggered SO easily, it makes you look mentally ill and unstable LMFAO

not everyone has $13 (you of all people must have heard about inflation LOL), not everyone wants to drop everything mid-foreplay and run down and buy condoms, and not every girl wants to admit to their parents they are sexually active and need to go to a doctor to get the pill. Plus, these methods are known to fail.  I

3 out of 402 warrantless searches resulted in drugs. What a fucking joke.  This sounds like the definition of a bullshit program that should be discontinued.  The moron whose idea it was to put this program in place should have to personally apologize to the 399 people who had their rights violated because they

in the same vein, why isn’t contraception for men and women freely available both in terms of cost and accessibility? you’d think a bunch of people who are horrified by the prospect of “killing angel babies” would be strongly pro-contraception.

this has always been the most difficult thing for pro-choicers—how do you convey meaningfully the negative impact of NOT getting an abortion on both the mom and the child? How do you convey the misery of that sort of life over years, especially when the pro-lifers can instantly self-soothe with the fantasy that all

it’s OK if the kids were going to be Democrats.

I kinda hope t***p will have a response to this; I’m sure it will be memorable.

You have to be an absolute monster to mock a parent who has already buried two children

replace the name Biden with Trump and imagine how the mob and the media would be covering all of this