here, I think Dana Loesch made your point a lot more succinctly LOL:
here, I think Dana Loesch made your point a lot more succinctly LOL:
she has her truly enviable and chic gray streak
I’m confused, are today’s Democrats “warmongers” or “cowards”? Oh right, the dumb paradox is always the point for the GQP. They’re “persecuted martyr victims” AND “the strong defenders and aggressors of the world.” At least when she finally joins the GQP they probably won’t look sideways at her the way Dems look at…
this comment made me literally LOL. You know who will be fighting to help rebuild Ukraine? American corporations to the rescue! OMFG this will be like 10 Christmases rolled into one for those vultures.
another excellent reminder that t***p split the country into people who care and people who don’t. It started the day he made fun of that handicapped reporter, the audience gasped and then laughed a little, and from that point on he had made it acceptable to be an absolute fucking asshole to the most vulnerable people…
I know many Trump supporters in rural areas, or otherwise, definitely have family members struggling with addiction.
knowing the GQP’s m.o. I’m kinda surprised they haven’t played the “so his wife and kids convenient” card yet.
no, it’s “forced birth” as in “fuck you for getting pregnant, we’re taking away every possible way for you to end the pregnancy, i.e. we are FORCING you to stay pregnant.” And as far as I know every one of the “million” ways you can use to avoid getting pregnant are fallible except for abstinence. The real world isn’t…
I agree with Bernie, they should be using the term “forced birth” much more, and also maybe call out the GQP’s stunning and almost hilarious contempt for women’s rights. I mean, SCOTUS kills Roe, and the GQP doesn’t even enjoy their victory lap before they’re looking at laws to prosecute women from pro-forced birth…
I saw the Signal and thought it was meh. Does that mean there will be a character with my name who spills a drink on his shirt in his next movie? LOL
it’ll be interesting in 10-20 years to graph out the devolution of the GQP from the assorted religious whackos of the late 90's, thru the Tea Party, including this open antisemitism, and into the future when a sitting member of Congress openly uses the N word on the floor of Congress, or openly complains that not…
I say this all the time to these dopes when they bitch about “free speech” as if it’s a violation of their Constitutional rights—the First Amendment protects against the government inhibiting your speech; it does not allow for consequence-free speech. Then the good old fashioned “free market” can do whatever the hell…
totally agree, but the reality is a LOT of people aren’t capable of your self-control, myself included. In a perfect world I’d delete it from my phone—I know for a fact when I take FB vacations I feel calmer and less stressed and more present—but I do like keeping up with my friends who use FB, and also that fucking…
the big “confuser” for me was the ability to redo work for higher grades. As a heavily educated adult LOL, this would have been a godsend for me; now, I can’t understand why not all work can be redone, or why my kid doesn’t jump on this opportunity with both feet if she gets a C or more.
that’s what I came here expecting too...great, I’ve been Pavlovian conditioned for slideshows LOL
Did no one in his entourage register the discomfitting resemblence/callback to the Dr. Lecter mask
I understand PR teams are *supposed* to issue statements like these, conveying shock and utter disbelief at these false accusations (side note, after seeing Justin Long in Barbarians, all I’ll ever think about when I see stuff like this is how well he personified this type of person and their “journey”), but we have…
now, my takeaway from this nothing story was, the guy who didn’t get invited to prom is all “proms are dumb, only losers go to prom” LOL
I would bet folding money Musk can’t name 7 of his 10 children. His face should really be on the billboard near me about the importance of fathers actually being involved in their kids’ lives.
OMFG the House Judiciary GOP is publicly “claiming” those 3 dopes as “theirs” LOL. They’re proud to be the Island of Misfit Morons. Take Johnny Depp too while you’re at it LOL.