
now that you mention it, there should be a legal cause of action (brand tarnishment? which is an actual concept in trademark law) when someone like Sarah Palin tarnishes the “brand” of someone good and intelligent like Michael Palin with her stupid bullshit.

I guess he saw the end of Endgame and thought, now that Stark’s out of the way, it’s my time to shine! (except for not having a molecule of RDJ’s charisma or charm)

eh I tend to think it’s just the martyrdom of rich white men everywhere that really gained steam when the patron saint of persecuted rich white men, t***p, got elected AND people actually supported that shit.  And by the way I don’t think *all* rich people are evil, however I do think their assets over $1 billion

It feels like the GQP is drifting ever closer to saying the quiet part out loud—that they just don’t think women have their shit together enough to do anything about their pro-forced birth bullshit. I almost respect the GQP attitude towards power when they get it (usually illegally or unethically)—pound you over the

“I wish I didn’t have to make this decision for women but what are you gonna do, their brains are too small and they’re too flighty and influenced by hormones” LOL

seriously, someone get Chevy Chase, Bill Maher, and Dennis Miller on the horn stat! These 4 has-beens will churn out some of the stalest and cringiest “hot takes” imaginable while undoubtedly amusing themselves endlessly.

he is an absolute master at the “groan” joke and I can only imagine the groans that one elicited LOL

I think there will be a negative impact from the puppy killing story, it reminds me of the great documentary Don’t Fuck With Cats, we seem to think about animal life even differently than human life for some weird reason, but what do I know, I am a dewy-eyed optimist who thought a mediocre reality show host could

every time I see a story like this with a little “wink wink” to the GQP’s white nationalist scumbag base, I wonder how many years away we are from a flat-out “sieg heil” type candidate who makes NO effort to hide it.  Given the rate of devolution of the GQP in that regard, if Dems win control of Congress at midterms

let me know when you find a good place to relocate to.  I prefer warmer climes with fewer peacock proud fascist dickheads but I know that might be a tough ask LOL.

meanwhile over on Fox News: “noted liberal terrorist and bully attacks noble right-wing patriot for trying to protect kids who are given hormones against their will” LOL

take it easy Kev, you’ll get your chance next week. You know you’ll be under oath right? LOL

wow I just had the strongest sense of deja vu of being back on the Gawker message boards from 10 years ago LOL

the inevitable HBO Max documentary about this “scene” will be a LOT to unpack LOL.

well, they voluntarily did NOT get vaccinated against Covid and in some cases died horrible gasping deaths just to “own the libs” and still people aren’t getting vaccinated, so unfortunately the nihilism at the heart of their cult seems to run startlingly deep.  In other words I am not optimistic about your suggestion

as absolutely horrifying as this is, I wish Fetterman would get as impatient as I am with Oz still lingering in the race and just pound him with this until election day (much like your average pro-lifer does with pictures of aborted fetuses when given the chance).

I’m still amazed that the Dems weren’t able to make more hay with your first point, which I believe is known as a “threshold issue,” i.e. that he doesn’t meet the most basic eligibility requirements to represent a state’s citizens by living in that state himself LOL. The GQP is nothing if not consistent, their “fuck

this reminds me of an awful tragedy in Maryland years ago where some dickhead drowned his 2 young kids to spite his estranged wife, because it always leaves me wondering, why can’t these shitstains kill themselves first?

LOL I misread this as Jordan PEELE and thought, he seems like the nicest guy in the world, what the fuck did *he* do?  

and don’t forget or underestimate the value of Walker just being black...the GQP never passes up a chance to prove to us libtards how “progressive” they can be by nominating “one of the good ones” LOL even when he’s disturbingly unqualified.