
oh yeah I understand when the gun nuts talk about “mental health” it is only a distraction away from the primary importance of guns in this equation, nothing more.  Mental health makes them all uneasy because it’s hard to define or pin down and so they just shame anyone who might be mentally ill as “weak” or some

wait wasn’t Megyn Kelly tormented by the KING of the incels, Roger Ailes?  Cognitive dissonance is a powerful, powerful thing LOL.

“don’t mind me Clarence, just tending to my ‘hobby’, definitely NOT fomenting an insurrection” LOL. “You *might* hear about it in a few months but if you do you know what to do (winky face).”

I can’t imagine how depressing it must be to have to sit for 4.5 hours and question someone so clearly on the line of sanity and insanity, full of self-righteous anger AND who sleeps with a SCOTUS justice who wants to send us back to the 19th century. It must be like watching a toddler assemble a bomb.

what the fuck does “release the Kraken” even mean (yes I know it is an allusion to the idiotic Clash of the Titans movie but what is the Kraken in QAnon speak)? I’ll never tire of asking some Cult 45 dipshit this question and they impatiently respond with a withering “try to keep up libtard” tone of voice followed by

very true, that whole “renegade” brand of his was utter bullshit, but I appreciated his very public thumbs down (sorry, “fuck you”) to both the GQP and t***p not to kill the ACA.  It was a small thing but also big and I appreciated it.  

same.  I was so surprised and disappointed when I heard about that.  Great funny show to end the day.

I’m still reeling over the fact that Gingrich is a closet NIN fan LOL

don’t worry, *those* guys are OK. UNLESS they are Capitol police, in which case they’re scum who deserve to die violently at the hands of patriots. LOL

his decision has to do with his “schedule, which is hardcore crazy...and it’s just too much of a grind for him to do a daily show.”

agree with the charisma (which is why I think he’ll become the awards show host of choice in the future) but the way he kissed his guests’ asses was unbelievably cringey.

he’s a funny guy but his guests were not great for the most part and his show always left me feeling “meh”.  the funniest thing I remember him doing was the bit about the gun nuts sponsoring a raffle and going on about how important completely 2nd Amendment freedom was UNTIL a black guy won it and then suddenly his

you mean the guy who’s won literally ALL the Variety Talk Show Emmys since starting his own show? OK fine, I guess his show was a success LOL

I think his “Colbert 2.0" schtick was doomed from the outset, but at least it proved what a genius Colbert is for being able to do that SO well for so many years.  I’d give Klepper a crack at hosting just being himself.

I’d be happier if they called it “At Midnight” and instead of political satire it was a dumb game show with Chris Hardwick LOL

interesting that you chose McCain as a Republican Jon Stewart had on his show, if he were still alive he’d absolutely be leading the charge against Cult 45, and would probably be one of the few voices the media would pay attention to. Instead we got stuck with his hairbrained “look at me, I just said something

dear GOD if they replace Noah with Corden, that would literally be the end of TDS because Corden is pure Hollywood talk show bullshit, he would suck at satire of any kind, but he is the one person who could be an even better kiss-ass than Noah LOL.

this wasn’t a huge surprise to me, he seems much more comfortable as a host of the ESPYs or Oscars where he can probably make the same money doing a fraction of the work. He was an embarrassingly shameless kiss-ass of his guests and I never felt like he had the same venom towards the conservatives that Jon Stewart had

that depends, is the puppy a Democrat or did a Democrat leave it there?  if yes then yes they will kick it LOL

you forgot t***p’s picture