
their agenda is “power at all costs”, which is why they align so well with fascism in the first place.  It’s such a simple concept I wish more Democrats could take it to heart going forward because every fucking election from now on, not just the midterms in 6 weeks, will be a vote for or against democracy or

it was either this or being constantly reminded of her infidelity on social media; how many times has he been called a cuck by his conservative buddies? LOL

she certainly is a match for him in terms of “ratio of confidence to actual physical attractiveness”.  They are both good arguments for the aging effects of malice and stupidity.

she did cheat on her husband twice (as far as we know), and I still remember when that fact (that has sunk countless political campaigns in the past) came out thinking “as a member of the GQP, with that in her track record she’ll have a job in politics as long as she wants it” LOL. There is no amount of hypocrisy they

the odds that they’ll grow up to be reasonable and well-adjusted are 99% “no” and 1% “Claudia Conway” LOL.

“please show us the respect and civility at this difficult time that I have been totally unwilling to show anyone not in Cult 45 at any time previously.” LOL

an uncomfortable truth (esp. here on Jezebel) but a truth nonetheless.  I hope the liberal-leaning justices who are considering retirement do so about 2 weeks into a Democratic president’s term because until then this 6-3 conservative majority is going to set the country back in SO many ways it’s nauseating.

I honestly assumed it was more basic, i.e. they are conservatives who t***p totally deranged with his bullshit who *also* need to find something other than their lack of talent to blame for their careers drying up (although to be fair, if I were a liberal Hollywood producer I wouldn’t want to work with those dickheads

they want to be closer to The Big Guy *until* you have to *act* like him (e.g. caring about the poor or vulnerable minorities, blech) and then it’s a different story, and they realize it’s more fun to tell everyone you’re morally superior than actually have to “do the work” as they might say LOL

I sincerely hope between this and the Dobbs ruling the average “oh this will NEVER happen in sane America!” liberal has finally been sufficiently awakened to just how low the modern American conservative will sink to get and wield power especially over vulnerable minorities.

Narrator: it wasn’t.

isn’t “persecuted victim and warrior champion” the inexplicable paradox of the modern conservative dipshit?  I don’t get it but then I’ve grown to think of cognitive dissonance as a force of nature.

“oh he’ll never win, but I love how he’s just taking the whole party down with him.”

I would 150% watch that. (hopefully a road trip to extract Vanessa from her icebox from last movie LOL)

I know this is so NOT the point of this idiotic exercise, but I wish the cultists could point to one kinda/sorta substantive piece of evidence to indicate the 2020 election was stolen (other than “T***p lost by a wide margin” which I chalk up to a bunch of Americans coming to their senses finally, and not a vast

make that piece of shit Brett Favre and his white asshole buddies pay for it LOL

I remember watching Casino Royale and thinking holy shit, they have a Bond who looks like he could actually kill someone in a fight LOL.  Moore always wore those high-waisted pants and seemed afraid of chipping a nail.  (Still loved the Spy who Loved Me though.)

but he’s funny and inappropriate, and I need way more funny and inappropriate content in my life after the last ~6 years.

I feel like they could fill most of a movie with just Wolverine and Deadpool (i.e. Jackman and Reynolds) riffing with each other, and more importantly I and many others would pay our $16 to watch it, so why not go all the way and make it more than a cameo?

if she can do anything as great as that Friday Night Lights parody or “Last Fuckable Day” then it’ll be great to have her back.  After 6 years out of the game and a kid I’d be surprised if she can attain those heights again.