
I feel like even before t***p was president and he’d go on Letterman to let Dave mock him, even Dave had a hard time pulling that off (despite the fact that he was a willing participant; even then he was like a child so pathetically desperate for attention that he’d settle for negative attention over no attention).

he “leapt with joy” over the prospect of t***p running?  Why?  I don’t remember that at all, in fact I’m still puzzled why “famed political satirist” Jon Stewart fled the Daily Show just as Dipshit came into office and left us with Trevor Noah.

honestly the way people fell under his cult spell so easily was the most disheartening aspect of the last 6 years to me. I mean, they couldn’t jump into bed fast enough with that piece of shit, AND were peacock proud of it, and just to own the libs a bit more, vacillated between mocking *you* for not doing it AND

not that I am aware of; plus I never said Americans are MORE susceptible to cultism, only that Americans seem surprisingly susceptible to cults, but once the hive mind misread my comment they’ve been jumping on me for it ever since LOL. Other countries could have a much worse problem than us but I live in the US and

didn’t they do much the same thing to Messi and/or Neymar (although having your non-accountant/non-lawyer father handle your finances like Messi did wasn’t smart either)?

I can confirm that in the past the “self esteem” movement was directed at all genders, because that’s more or less what my parents did to me (a male LOL).  It wasn’t “you’re beautiful” but “you’re smart, you’re good looking, etc.”, all stuff which as a parent you feel is true about your kids, or at least is stuff

true, but the average cult leader (e.g. Keith Raniere) is almost always a nebbish who is extremely good at baffling people with bullshit (esp. people who are or who *think* they are intelligent and could NEVER be tricked), i.e. not the Fortune 500/celebrity type you’d *think* would be a cult leader, and that’s the

I never said that LOL, I know Scientology has a worldwide following, but for such an awesome place, America sure does have a lot of people willing to worship mediocre con artists in order to feel important.

he’s the fucking Attorney General of one of the largest states in the country—did he think he could dodge the process server forever? Give me a fucking break.

he clearly thought the process server was a remnant of the migrant horde that was headed for the Texas border back in 2018 but then suddenly vanished the day after midterms LOL.

so his argument boils down to “I’m on the side of whoever directly or indirectly made me more money”? LOL

I’d love to understand why Americans in particular seem so susceptible to cults—Scientology, Nxivm, even Cult 45. Probably something to do with coping with the reality that we’re not all special snowflakes despite what we’ve been told for the last 50 odd years.

he was by far the best part of the last Thor movie.  I rarely cry at movies but a few of his scenes literally moved me that much.

LOL the parallels between Kanye and my dad are getting kinda weird now...when my mom finally had enough of his narcissistic bullshit and left he did the EXACT SAME SHIT to her that Kanye did to Kim...when my mom wasn’t with someone my dad would get maudlin like this, but when she made the mistake of having a boyfriend,

more important for DOR, he is building up an impressive cadre of famous actors to act as apologists for his bullshit, like Bale, Deniro, Cooper, JLaw, and probably a bunch of others, meaning he will ultimately approach Woody Allen levels of obnoxiousness as he gets older.

I would call it the “Woody Allen rule” but arguably this guy makes better movies that also make money, so maybe the rule should be renamed in his honor? Either way he’s a piece of shit who gets a pass because he makes money. Think of how Mel Gibson has been able to revive his career despite being a psychotic

I’m confused—have they confirmed unequivocally that she killed herself and not that one or more of these upstanding gentlemen killed her to hide their crime (sorry, “impropriety”)? Because that was the first thing I thought reading this but it was never alluded to more strongly. Too close to possible defamation for

“you women need to calm down and don’t do anything irrational or you might end up doing something impetuous and regrettable like storming the state capitol” LOL

look, I *hope* the country is as pissed off as I was about Dobbs come November, but internally I’m already grimacing at the number of states that are gonna say “not us libtard, give us MORE laws that force womens’ heads into the metaphorical toilet until they learn to shut their mouths and do what men tell them to

my personal theory, completely unsubstantiated and totally anecdotal (and based on personal experience), is that the “self esteem” movement of the 70's/80's created an unjustified sense of entitlement that the “real world” does not typically support unless you have something really special to offer.  It’s simplistic