
whenever I see Bautista in anything I am reminded of his literal rags to riches story and how genuinely grateful he seems for the chance James Gunn gave him to have a career, and to get to star in movies like these. Hopefully the movie is also a good vehicle for Bautista and Ron Weaseley, Shyamalan is a bit of a mixed

also does appearances at those sad nostalgia shows with the remaining cast of the Love Boat 

those shows are probably literally twice as old as an AV Club writer LOL

came here just to say that, mainly because of the way they absolutely brutalized Isaac Hayes via Chef after killing off his character LOL.  I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see Hayes’s reaction to that show.

hey, Fox has flogged the Simpsons for like 62 seasons, so don’t get too mouthy or the “irascible kid cousin” they introduce will be Bart Simpson LOL

whenever I watch Bob’s Burgers I am almost always impressed by how funny and smart it is, but for some reason it just isn’t “must see” viewing to me, and I don’t know why, it ticks all the boxes for a show I’d religiously watch like Archer (even the main characters are voiced by the same guy LOL).

I guess I know who’s being deleted from someone’s Spotify playlist LOL.

unexpected and good but as unexpected and good as crow-barring Billy Eichner pitching Bros into the NFL pre-game show LOL.

correlation does not equal causation LOL

guess it’s just a big coincidence how much she resembles Amy Coney Barrett...

my thought too. Meeting a lot of kids and making their lives brighter just for a bit must be excruciating when (1) you know some of them are gonna die and (2) they’re probably in pain while you’re meeting with them. Assuming he’s aware of that I’d have to give him even more props for how emotionally wrenching that

wasn’t there an article on this website last year about Guy Fieri criticizing him for not having more of an opinion in the context of all the stuff he does for restaurants, cooks, etc.? Can’t we just agree to a furlough on purity tests for anyone who does a ton of good things? MAYBE they’re a serial killer (or worse,

I don’t know what else the GQP needs to do to metaphorically grab every woman of child-bearing age and slap them in the face and laugh while they do it to make them vote this November. I mean, if anyone is still saying “this is bad but they’ll NEVER make laws to arrest me if I leave my forced birth state to get an

this is America, I’d be stunned if you couldn’t get them with TRIPLE meat, a block of government cheese, and a stick of butter on top Homer Simpson style LOL

glad to see an ambitious sandwich maker is willing to step into the fray against (1) Subway which John Oliver absolutely scorched for their hilariously shitty and exploitative business model and (2) the sandwich shop owned by a gloating and unapologetic big game hunter (I know that fact has absolutely nothing to do

LOL exactly...wait, someone on Fox News just MOCKED QANON??? WTAF??? someone’s gonna lose their job over this heresy!!

it’s amusing seeing the GQP willing to go into the weeds (from a developmental biology/anatomical perspective) to try and mitigate the shit-storm the Dobbs ruling caused. So I guess we’re gonna be treated to ~6-7 weeks of Cult 45ers who are suddenly experts on fetal anatomy LOL. Guys, don’t hurt yourself learning

I assume the relative silence on this is a number of things—he’s a white HOF QB who committed a crime against poor (black) people in Mississippi, where he was undoubtedly worshiped; the NFL or Fox News will never say a bad word about a sacred cow like him; it’s not a “sexy” enough crime to draw attention; etc. I’m

I wondered about the lack of comments on Deadspin too but I assume it was part of the Hulk Hogan settlement since I believe that story was published on Deadspin?  if not then I have no clue why.

yeah that’s one person I thought of, I heard of his immersive method technique of isolating himself from people to prepare for the role, that cannot have helped his mental health