this is great, but there is zero chance the Lisa Simpson Democrats would ever do something so bold once the GQP leans into their inevitable “once we’re in power we’re going to expand the court to 15 just because” bullshit.
this is great, but there is zero chance the Lisa Simpson Democrats would ever do something so bold once the GQP leans into their inevitable “once we’re in power we’re going to expand the court to 15 just because” bullshit.
it’s Louisiana, therefore most if not all of the teachers were on-board with it, assuming they weren’t involved in setting it up in the first place. (And I say that as someone who went to school in Louisiana and love New Orleans, and yes I know those 2 things are as diametrically opposed as any two places within the…
this can’t be a huge surprise given (1) it’s Louisiana and (2) it’s the same group of people who disguise pro-life indoctrination camps as abortion resource centers. It’s a shame that they don’t realize how useless and out of touch they are that they have to disguise who they are to be even remotely appealing…
in light of all the evidence they have about her extremely active, almost psychotic, role in the attempted overturning of a legitimate election, I feel like they are handling her far more delicately and patiently than they should, especially with Liz Cheney leaving the J6 committee soon.
I see a can’t-miss podcast opportunity with her and Piers Morgan; call it “Sour Grapes with 2 Obsessive Dickheads with nothing better to do” LOL
47,000 inmates *in just one state*. That’s stunning. I wonder how many are there for simple pot possession or worse, jaywalking.
I was most intrigued to see Johnny Knoxville in a scripted sitcom because I think he’d do well but puzzled why he is barely mentioned in the review?
the incels (sorry, “Bond stans” or my personal favorite, “Fleming purists”) basically wet their pants when a “blonde” Bond was announced, and now you want to throw out a *gay* Bond? Do you want them to self-immolate? LOL
the picture for the article is like an argument both for and against plastic surgery in a single picture. Giving yourself apple cheeks like Tom Cruise did (and Judge Reinhold apparently felt the need to do so here) may pull your skin taut but when you never had big prominent apple cheeks to begin with, it just looks…
I mean, wasn’t he the guy who was almost ice-boxed in 2 or 3 to give Eddie some motivation to run around and crack wise and do an array of unethical and illegal things for laughs? LOL
I just want to know what the fuck is Giorgio Baldi corn ravioli. It sounds revolting.
I have never read Ian Fleming’s Bond novels but I read a review of the first Daniel Craig Bond movie and it mentioned that it brought back the “cruelty” of the books and for some sick reason that’s what I liked about the Craig movies *that I did like*, because they weren’t all winners IMO (I felt like introducing…
Adam Levine has always reminded me of someone and I could never place it until I saw channel surfing and stumbled across Andrew Dice Clay’s piece of shit movie Ford Fairlane:
it reminds me of the last Malcolm Gladwell book I think where the US intel community had a spy in their midst, she showed her hand or at least acted suspiciously on several occasions, and still they did nothing to stop or arrest her, and I think her punishment was that she got sent back to Russia or wherever. I guess…
based on the story I read on Gizmodo the other day, probably less STDs too...
just don’t be surprised if this narcissistic prick reads some celebratory essay like this and decides “you know what? Fuck them, I’m coming back,” because the only thing narcissistic pricks like more than pity parties is self-righteous bullshit “the radical leftists can’t cancel me because I’m a FIGHTER!!” narratives…
this is the point I always make to the people who scoff at the idea that this forced birth bullshit is to “control women”; if that’s not the case, then make female contraception freely available. It would cost practically nothing and would moot most of the problem. But they won’t, because yes this whole thing IS about…
I hate to point this out but there are entire generations of white male dipshits eager to replace the generation that’s enjoying one last flex before they die out. It’s not a generational thing like I once naively hoped, it’s a DNA thing.
FFS, you fucking idiots, 2 things: The First Amendment guarantees the government won’t interfere with your speech; it does NOT guarantee consequence-free speech; and drugs get into the country in other ways than crossing the TX/Mexico border. These are 2 painfully simple concepts that they still just don’t fucking get.
I seem to recall from the book Freakonomics that when the Romanian dictator Ceausescu outlawed abortion to build their population, it exploded the lower class and created a bunch of poor, angry people who were so pissed off they incited a revolution that led to his death. I know that’s just an economics theory but…