
I guess there has always been a streak of nihilism and indifference to life in the US but over the last ~5 years it really seems to have slipped into overdrive...wonder what could have caused that. Whatever, I don’t blame her one bit for escaping it, I wish I could almost every day, the thought that an illegitimately

Whore Island would like a word LOL

for a 60 minute special I am going to place the over/under on “number of times she says ‘woke’ or ‘cancel culture’” at 312, and probably take the over LOL.

this might be anathema to true Bond fans, but why couldn’t they ape the Mission: Impossible movie styles, give him an ensemble that traveled with him directly, etc.?  Maybe it’s just Tom Cruise’s charisma or indifference to death or pain that makes those work LOL but his last 3-4 Bond-esque movies have absolutely

I agree with almost all you said but I never found the “Craig Bonds” dour, definitely serious and more dramatic than others (I assume thanks to Daniel Craig’s influence), but I enjoyed them a lot more than the “Moore Bonds” which I loved as a kid (my secret shame LOL) but now only cringe at. But it was a BIG mistake

a police officer who draws their gun and aims it at me is all the warning I need to stop what I’m doing but I’m sane so maybe that’s not the best comparison to her situation LOL. Also the DOJ declined to prosecute the case criminally so it would appear they also agreed with me; if you’re part of a violent mob storming

I always assumed it was his way of saying “I’m one of you!” which was really what he did best to ingratiate himself with those dopes (who I’m sure unironically thinks of himself as being better than them *because* he went to Wharton LOL).

agreed, but I feel like the Dobbs decision was a real slap in the face that we didn’t have back in 2016, because no one (arguably not even t***p) thought he would win.  Now I think more Dems realize they cannot be complacent because there is a literal horde of crazies at the gates that are just as eager to vote as we

like sarcastro said, kids that age always think about fame and fortune, BUT my concern is that “Instagram celebrity” seems so much more attainable because the kids have almost direct, non-stop access into their heavily manicured lives, and the “celebrities” usually don’t have any discernible “talent” other than being

them declaring their preference that a potentially innocent man stay in prison, than for there to be no one in prison for this.

go on GQP, keep running your fucking mouth. These are going to sound incredible in the Lincoln Project’s commercial that they put out about a week before midterms. I will relish the look of bewilderment on the average GQPer’s face when they realize that women have sufficient brain power to go into a voting booth

oh I only meant to name “top 5" LOL, Eric is def someone who deserves to do a perp walk, basically anyone who sought out a role in the t***p administration (or who has the last name of t***p) should be investigated thoroughly because anyone who actively sought out a role has some shady shit in their past that can be

why do you think they’re so interested in “pepperoni pizza”? ;-)

to be fair I give as much weight and credence to W’s “Ivy League education” as I do to t***p going to Wharton LOL. The people who want to see it as “daddy bought his son a fancy degree” will see that, and the ones who see “hard worker who pulled himself up by his boot straps” will see that.

like several others have said here, he’s too good for SNL. I hope he turns into the Eddie Murphy of the 21st century.

in a related note, it is pretty alarming how many teenagers see “Instagram celebrity” as a plausible career option. For the 1:10,000 chance that you make money off of it, you are competing with thousands of other people, and a constant source of online attacks, and no matter how good you may be at it your lifespan is

Florida just asked you to hold its mimosa made with Florida Man beer LOL

every time I see that picture of Rittenhouse I hope that punk meets the ignoble end he deserves and soon. I know he’s out trading on his 15 minutes at various CPACs and trying desperately to get laid, but eventually he will be pushed aside by the next white racist punk who literally got away with murder and then it’s

yes he wants to lower expectations before he gets his ass handed to him (and BTW I wonder how pissed off Warnock is that he will have to hold back on kicking Walker’s ass like he probably wants to because he wants to avoid triggering sympathy for a psychotic, wife-abusing Cult 45er) but NO ONE associated with Cult 45

I wish they’d make a reality show where Lil Nas X gets to spend the season touring with the guy he “fell in love with”, each trying to get the other to switch teams LOL.