
he undoubtedly thinks all those underage girls he paid to sleep with him would have done so for free LOL. He is definitely in my top 5 “perp walks” behind t***p, Moscow Mitch, Don Jr (who would be crying like the little bitch he is), and maybe Stephen Miller. (Honorable mention would definitely be Ivanka because I

I just hope that this is taking so long (nearly 2 years since the investigation was first reported) because Greenberg is blabbing SO much about the other GQP dipshits that the feds can’t keep up with it all LOL. The criminal standard for guilt is such a high burden and federal prosecutors typically don’t like anything

this is WAY too nuanced and unimportant for anyone in the orbit of amoral dipshits surrounding t***p to consider. They all think of presidential pardons as “get out of jail free” cards because that’s how their simplistic, black/white brains work (when they’re not crowing about how anyone who “pleads the 5th” is

LOL let me spare you the suspense—he’ll look at the reporters and/or cameras, smirk, and walk away (or just flat-out ignore it). When it comes to pardons for the GQP, all they are is an indication of over-persecution by the radical leftists.

so I just read the VF article and the author wrote that CAA and Warner Brothers suggested Miller work with someone in “crisis PR” (only in America LOL) and I assume not long after that came the “yes I am in a crisis but am getting treatment” statement which was totally NOT written by Miller, suggesting to me that the

so is the PR person’s comment about the effect of Miller’s behavior on the Flash truly a “wakeup call” or something he/she fabricated or exaggerated? because if it’s the former then it makes me wonder how much of this is self-indulgent “artist” diva behavior and how much is actual mental illness like it screamed to me

this is probably why I’m not a diplomat (besides not being a millionaire with many connected friends in DC LOL) but if a country warned me NOT to do something, no matter how obliquely or politely or delicately, because it would fuck with their economy to some degree, you couldn’t stop me from doing that thing tomorrow

are you channeling Krieger there?  if so, well done LOL

same here. Great movie, maybe my favorite Kevin Smith movie, hilarious premise and an incredibly smart and thoughtful (and nasty) discussion and dissection of religion.

so in other words Bill Lawrence didn’t learn a fucking thing from his Scrubs experience--there’s nothing wrong with a pretty good/great show going out while still at the peak of its quality.  I’d miss Ted Lasso but as with Archer (lurching into its 13th season as a mere ghost of its former greatness), sometimes you

if you listen to the video of the shooting you can hear at least 2 of the insurrectionists loudly shout at least five times “HE’S GOT A GUN.” Now I know you’re gonna split hairs here and say “well they didn’t give an actual warning” LOL but most sane people would stop their attack upon hearing this, i.e. if you

it’s way more fun to boss around and torment vulnerable minorities, it makes the incels who comprise the GQP base feel tough and strong, don’t you know that?

guess we need to update the old chestnut “the cruelty AND racism are the point”

last month the LA state AG was willing to withhold a line of credit from New Orleans that they needed to be prepared for the hurricane season until New Orleans agreed to enforce the abortion ban. He was willing to put thousands of people’s lives at risk if they didn’t do what they were told with the support of the

don’t know why this would surprise me but it still bums me out when people who come here from another country don’t have more empathy for other immigrants, and instead aggressively work to pull the ladder up behind them. (maybe she is super pro-immigration but with that track record of clerkships and who she’s married

LOL even his kid looks at him like “fucking piece of shit, do you want to deport ME? oh that’s right, you’re a conservative, you’re less in favor of stuff that directly affects you, but I’d better keep my mouth shut anyway” 

I think like a lot of the GQP mythology, this Soros obsession started as a humble acorn that thanks to gallons of incel flop sweat, grew into the mighty insane oak tree that we see today LOL. he’s a rich guy (and I think a JEW, shhhh) who has supported progressive causes and doesn’t give many if any interviews, so of

makes me wonder if he was thinking about politics even back then, so why not make a book that pulls off the double whammy of proving how “genuine American” he is, AND how awesome he is for having “risen to the heights” that he has. (I’m being facetious about the last part, he’s hypocritical garbage.)

if you want to get angry and/or depressed just dig into this guy’s Wikipedia page. He is as much of a piece of work as you’d imagine based on this exchange and the (R) next to his name. Somehow he has found 4 women willing to marry him (but 3 apparently came to their senses LOL). Covid denier, avid gun nut and

wow the GQP has a type don’t they? stupid, possibly drunk, blowhard bullies who just yell to overpower people when they know they’re losing an argument. Either he’ll proudly display this exchange in his campaign commercial as proof of how he’s “fighting the radical left” in Washington for the simple folk of Louisiana (