Zach has been like this since his season 2 recaps and it’s annoying. I come here to see what grade he’s given the episode, and then go to io9 read their recap
Zach has been like this since his season 2 recaps and it’s annoying. I come here to see what grade he’s given the episode, and then go to io9 read their recap
Another for the “bizarrely angry Discovery review” pile. This one is better at seeming like it’s not a “waaaaah this doesn’t make me feel like TNG made me feel when I was 9" screed than the ones on Reddit, but that’s all this is.
The Rocketeer really keyed in on a lot of the 40s retro influences that were kicking around then, and was in turn one of the big influences on the kind of architecture and design I love. It’s not a good movie, but it is great. Plus, Jennifer Connelly MY GOD. She’s possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen
I’m only 34 and of the Big Four networks, CBS is probably the one I’m most drawn to. I do still watch NCIS (even though they absolutely ruined Bishop, but McGee made the show somewhat interesting again) and enjoy Hawaii Five-O. I don’t watch it as much as I do CW (since CW has Whose Line and the comic book shows), but…
Show of hands, those who actually read this comment in full, how many of you can take this guy seriously?
About the only thing buffet-like that I’d call nice would be a Brazilian steakhouse.
The Captain mentioned his sons, but never by name. Based on timing, I’d say it’s a little more likely that he’s Alistair’s grandfather than father, but it’s not specifically nailed down.
Moffat states that the Captain is, in fact, the Brig’s grandfather. :)
They never say exactly how he’s related, just that his last name is Lethbridge Stewart. I think his first name was Alistair, but if they ever said what the Brigadier’s father’s name was I can’t remember.
It is not a bad idea. In fact the idea is among the rare things that sort of woks.
More like he donated his brain to science, and they collected (what there was of it) early.
Did you read George Lucas’s original Star Wars script(s)? Because they were, by and large, terrible. (And I say that as an enormous Star Wars geek.)
Am I still grey? I was A Random Monk, i was unGrey’d, then one day i was locked out of my account, i began a new one, and hey... Grey Again.
No, but I will forever exist in that fine grey limbo. Good for you for your escape!
Disqus is writing its own book about what happened during the Kinjaning.
I imagine I’m still gray as well.
Lisa Simpson, Bart Simpson, the baby. Now I am popular!
I never had a problem with Disqus.