Judge her by her size, do you?
Judge her by her size, do you?
I also thought that notion of a fresh start outside of the whole Jedi/Sith dichotomy would be super cool, but then the last sequence made me realize any form of meaningful growth like that in a franchise like this would mean progressing towards some kind of ending which Disney will never let happen until they squeeze…
I was totally on board with Rey and Kylo becoming Emperor and Empress, him in black and she in white. She could prevent his genocidal/patricidal tendencies and he could prevent her idealism from blowing in her face. Plus, they were making made f*ck eyes at each other.
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
He didn’t rape anyone, but I doubt you would be so flippant about a man behaving that way around a woman in your life that you love. He didn’t rape anyone, but he wielded power over his victims. He didn’t rape anyone, but he did some deplorable shit.
Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.
so Taylor Swift has largely ignored women’s issues and victims, but HER victory is a victory for women everywhere. Okay bitch.
I second that. And it’s constant. He’s told me a few times basically, “You said this, but you should’ve said it but this ultra specific way,” and then he acts like he can’t follow a conversation if you try to engage or explain what you were saying. It’s annoying as shit.
I remember Simon Pegg got shitcanned a few years ago for bemoaning the unrelenting deluge of superhero films and sci-fi remakes/reboots (mainly because he himself had promoted and appeared in many such films).
To me he was spot-on though, despite his own compromised position: ‘infantilized by our own tastes’ was one of…
Well yeah, for that mutiny scene to work it needs to be the equivalent of Spock or Riker rushing onto the bridge, ordering the bridgecrew to fire, and the bridgecrew *almost* following that order because this is an XO that they know and trust.
It didn’t help that Jezebel kept dragging Jen Kirkman into the Louis CK allegations even after Jen Kirkman explicitly and repeatedly said no, Louis CK had never masturbated in front of her and would Jezebel please stop mischaracterizing her words already.
This is how I interpreted it too.
I saw the Beyond show too and you could tell she was visibly uncomfortable while the Duffer brothers and Shawn Levy sat there laughing at how they forced her into doing the kiss. It was NOT at all necessary. Nor was the one between Eleven and Mike.
We can fight more than one thing at a time. While I do believe in ‘pick your battles’, I’ll pick a battle against a grown man harassing a teenager (and this is harassment - it’s a power move, it’s bullying).
Man, if we can’t defend teenage girls, who ARE we supposed to defend?
They could always try rebranding to The Alan Smithee Company.
I get why people are frustrated with the show, and your review touches on some of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses here, but when a reviewer comes right out and says they cannot review a show on its own merits, I am forced to wonder if they’re the right person for the task.
I have a lot of respect for…
But this one will be his Magnum opus.
Outside of the US he needs an agency with at least For Esme - With Love and Squalor