
Curses. Keep your secrets then. I suppose I shall manage to maintain some semblence of a life without knowing...

I’ll only accept coffee if it comes in this cup:

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

I agree—he is shameless. It’s revolting that they’re giving this forum to Trump. What about equal time for other candidates? Also, didn’t NBC cut ties with him? Wow—how long did that last? 5 minutes? Fuckers.

Could not have been better said.

Donald and Lorne, embracing each other in a desperate mutual bid for continued relevancy.

They were asked to press “1” for English.

sums up the whole article, doesn’t it? :)

Tell us more.

I like that Jennifer is kind of exactly how I thought/hoped she would be.

When I was a kid I was lucky enough to be able to go to the Timberwolves basketball camp. This was right at the beginning of the Garnett/Marbury/Gugliotta years. Flip was always around helping other kids out. I won the “hustle” award (yes I was an un-athletic kid, but I worked hard and they recognized that dammit!!)

Or a Lexapro pamphlet :(

“Lincoln Chafee, a gentle, smiling bird you’d rather not be killing for dinner but you have to, that’s nature”

don’t look at me.

Whether you like the Star Wars franchise or not it was clearly the best two minutes of the Monday Night Football broadcast so far this evening.

Miley is A maidel mit a vayndel (A pony-tailed cutie-pie.)

No joke here, but it would be incredible if this entire thing fell apart over a response in an AMA.

Just ask Chris Farley!

The sea level is rising, there are numerous major refugee crises, income inequality is at epic levels, and tons of innocent people are dying with our implicit blessing largely because we, as a society, are so obsessed with pop culture ‘stars’ that we can’t be bothered to take a look at the actual world around us... I