Just when you thought The Onion couldn’t get any more accidentally real...
Just when you thought The Onion couldn’t get any more accidentally real...
This story is being blown completely out of proportion. Greg Hardy was simply leaving the stadium after the game.
I took baths with my brothers when we were younger. Does that make me an incestuor? Or worse, a Lannister?!?!
What a farce, that anti-concussion cocktail doesn't even include nano-bubbles.
Lyft is soooo much better. I mean, they do want to talk to you the whole time and give fist bumps... but that’s better than being raped, I suppose.
This is possibly the funniest comment I have ever read on this site.
They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.
Not before he makes Major Payne II!!!
If I learned anything in the military, is to be as sarcastic, and as smart ass as I can be without causing death to those that don’t deserve it.
Was I supposed to not?
did you just +1 your own comment?
I worked with a guy who spent 2 years in Korea as a mechanic and then came back with a pregnant wife (or maybe fiance, I think they got married right after he got back). He played the “when I was deployed...” card as often as he could.
I work at CENTCOM. Believe me, there are (mostly USAF) people in this very office who call their time here a “deployment.”
I’m definitely not in a position to be dick measuring on this. From our experience, the Air Force amenities are unilaterally, and unfairly, nicer than those of the other branches.
I spent a year in Korea and it was the easiest tour I ever did. I can’t wait till we reach peak Nationalism and we start doing surprise reunions after a two month TDY to Florida.
As a military spouse, the only part I disagree with is the flippant comment about how he wasn’t anywhere dangerous while deployed. True, but time away from family is still time away. Yes, it is part of the job. No, no one who isn’t in the situation really cares. But in the Air Force, Korea deployments are a minimum of…