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    As it turns out, Stan just wants to bullshit about trains and airplanes.

    How unbelievable is that. I had a run-in with Kevin Smith once that went just like that, except without the smoking.

    To give some context, you could still buy at-the-door passes in 2004.

    The last time I was at San Diego Multimedia Big Business Conglomeration was in 2006, the first year it was sold out. I couldn't walk in the exhibit hall without being shoulder to shoulder with people, and I'm a normal guy.

    Entirely probable, but I haven't rewatched the series.

    All Carmen wanted to do was be in the family business and be treated like her brothers, with respect. Her dad might have some out of date (by our standards) opinions and ideas about his daughter, but doggone it he comes around and both him and Carmen do what's right by their love. Perhaps the most :3 moment of the

    That brings up the question of how much work had Sam actually done on this movie of his, anyway? Did he have a script written and he just needed a budget to shoot it? That's what it felt like to me, that he's poured so much work into this idea that isn't moving through forces that aren't his.

    Bill Maher is, of course, the exception that proves the rule. I wouldn't let him in any movie.

    Rad Spencer.

    I loved this book and was sad that it died an early death.

    Unfortunately, I don't think actual human arm sockets would take well to grappling hook attachments, even with extra reinforcement.

    I own a lot of Capcom detritus. I was one of the two forum admins for the official Capcom Bionic Commando forums and I was paid in swag.

    While I love Mustache Jump, my heart goes with nojump.

    If I was a billionaire I would fund a Bionic Commando animated series.

    (to the tune of Bloody Tears)

    Us Pearls gotta stick together!

    Beach Head rules, you are correct to notice that.

    The bit also doesn't work without the leadup, though, that's the genius.

    The first movie was pretty good, the second had problems, this seems like a skip.

    Infinite cosmic power…