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    Garnet Gauntlets (yes, they're exactly what you think they are) are coming Real Soon Now™, as are some other toys. They were at toyfair. But odds are they won't be out until the summer or maybe the fall.

    There are color artists and background painters, so saying "colorists" is not far off the mark.

    Do an aileron roll!

    *punches Cooking with Cranston in the face*

    12-14 weeks from April 8 puts it in sometime in June-July.

    While the Venture Bros. may have super long times between seasons, when it does air it airs on a normal weekly schedule.

    Which will happen first: The Mass. RMV mailing me my UNIVRS plates (a process that, on their website, says takes 12-14 weeks, and I paid my fees at the RMV two weeks ago) or the show coming back on the air?

    This was pre-Nick app on Apple TV too, so watching it on my actual television was a balancing act of AirPlay and prayer.

    Those of us in the AT comments threads remember!

    Hey, I was off by one year, maybe that'll spare me the terror of the Headless Body of Agnew. AROOOOO

    Nixon was the one who "never drank a duff in his life." He died in 1993, he had some time to watch some Simpsons if he so desired.

    Fuck you, show, for only managing to squeeze one quotation of the main riff of Rocky Mountain Way. I mean, why the hell pay the royalties to get one of Joe's best songs only to effectively waste it? What a disappointment. Good riddance to what-looked-promising-but-turned-out-to-be-rubbish.

    TV, get a job.

    The notebook may have been annotated or had an extra letter attached to it. Not unusual with these kinds of personal historical artifacts.

    Exactly. If you're going to rip something up, you can't leave openings for people to pick you apart. You could say "Far be it from you, DV, to tell multiplatinum grammy award winning musicians that they're wrong," and it would be a fair point, but there is a cultural impact that the original song had for Supertramp

    I'm genuinely sorry. I too know your pain about Big Yellow Taxi.

    I really hate the Goo Goo Dolls' cover of "Give A Little Bit" and I feel I can adequately describe that hate off-the-cuff, but if I was really going to formulate a precise takedown of that song, I would definitely want to do some extended research. I view it as professional courtesy.

    No, you're not. It's grade school stuff that's best left for it.

    It's entirely possible that by the time anyone asks for that tape, it'll be overwritten.

    I'm also amazed that Ernie found that particular copy shop so quickly, but sometimes narratives require expedience.