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    It also didn't help that when I was a kid, I equipped the bows and arrows on the wrong hands. Characters in FF had handedness back then. Rosa was right handed. So if you put the bow in Rosa's right hand and the arrows in her left… her attack power and hit% are not as good as if you did it the other way around! You'd

    The advantage of the bow and arrow was that Cecil could be in the back row, but his dexterity was so bad that he missed more often than not.

    FFII has two player as well! It didn't have assignable characters to the second controller, but the second controller did work for inputs. So, if you knew who controlled what character, you could make decisions when their turn came up. My friend and I would split the party (by the end of the game I got Cecil and the

    Don't forget Golbez showing up as a player-character sprite at the end of the game too.

    I really love the up-and-coming transitional nature of this game in the end. Nobou Uematsu really experimenting in a ton of different ways with the then-new SNES sound,

    You could give Cecil a bow and arrow, but I think it was more humiliating to have to equip him with light armor instead. What use is a paladin who can't tank?

    Not to mention dealing with Nintendo censorship/Standards and Practices as well…

    I watch it, but I was out at the Bruins game last night so I missed it live. The comment sections for network sitcoms are a bit flagging these days.

    I was once hired to photograph Bernie's private jet inside and out. The catch, of course, is that the reason I was hired was because the jet was repossessed, re-registerd with a new N-number, completely repainted, and every interior fitting changed so as not to be recognizable. So all of their old pictures were

    The only one I can personally recall besides the OJ verdict was President Clinton being sworn in to office in 1993.

    It does seem insane in retrospect. I think I was in seventh grade at the time, they did wheel in a TV for us to watch. The adults were all invested in it and at the time the only way to know a live event like that was to bring in a TV.

    Court TV, now there's something I had entirely forgotten about. It was founded in 1991, three years before the OJ trial was a glint in Johnnie Cochran's eyes. It certainly thrust it into the spotlight, though.

    Yeah, I should have brought that up too. Everyone remembers the Legs and Sharp Dressed Man videos, but this one was a hidden gem. Great stop motion animation.

    Looks a lot more appetizing than TV Dinners.

    The book has a very distinct visual way of drawing the music of the various bands, especially in Campbell's issues. I also think Campbell addressed it in an interview, but I can't recall where it was.

    Happy to see Jem getting some more love around here. The book will have its one year anniversary in March, and it's only had one sub-par issue so far (last month's Rio). I feel like anything I would say would be redundant to what Oliver just wrote here, but the one thing I am curious about is Synergy's trip to the

    I do! They did all right until an Electronics Boutique moved in across the mall hallway, and then it didn't matter because EB bought them out and then it turned into a Gamestop. Then the Babbage's closed.

    Well, I guess it's been a long, long road since he packed up and left on his own. Given how he's carried such a heavy load, I hope he's found his way back to her heart.

    She said Clan Wren, House Visla. I have no idea how this relates to Mandalorians and how she can be both of those things.

    Yeah. the store is kind of a dump, it's cramped, and the parking lot floods with both cars and water. But they have EVERYTHING.