
So, this game is really great. I kind of want to clarify a little bit about the difficulty. Yes, it is a very challenging game; however, my experience so far is that the challenge is based less on twitch skills than it would initially appear. It does require a good bit of dexterity, but I find that the controls and

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The best way this game can look is through a period-appropriate television.

everybody knows about the wii shopping channel, and everyone loves to shop on it every wednesday

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lets add some lyrics to that background music

God yes. The Jindosh level and time travel level were incredible. Such thoughtful design. The new DLC reuses too much stuff but the bank level is pretty good.

Given that my fear the NFL has been the “circuses” portion of what the masses have been given to ignore civic duty, it’s interesting that this conversation comes up when we discuss the videogame version of it.

No way. The Block & Tackle articles were great and hilarious.

“Press X to protest America’s societal injustices and police misconduct.”

This felt especially jarring when playing as Emily. Taking bloody revenge against the traitorous guards and nobles just felt so natural, and almost all of her powers seem designed for combat rather than stealth (unlike Corvo’s), but when I was done with my first (high chaos) playthrough, she basically became some sort

I wouldn’t call her arm ‘steampunk’. Dishonored has this weird ‘bits of things wired together’ asthetic at times. Billie’s arm is little more than a few scraps of bone and wood- some not even physically connected - with a glove for the hand... Yet it works because magic.

She clearly had her arm and her eye at the start of the game, not a prosthetic. You can tell simply by how the picture of her with Stilton changes after the Outsider visits her, and it shows her missing an arm with an eye patch as an alternate reality.

D2 has a similar mission, only post-mortem.

Yes, the citizens of The Empire Of The Isles are far better off under the auspices of Emily The Merciful than Delilah The Deranged,

There was another one where you get a gang leader to kidnap and enslave a pair of brothers so that they have to work at a mine for the rest of their (presumably short) lives

It was never a “morality” meter — it was a “chaos” meter, with the result being either high or low chaos. The ultimate consequences were not based on whether your choices were moral, but how much your choices disturbed or disrupted the rest of society. Thus, if you had the full ‘Shadow Kill’ power — so that all

That’s an interesting idea, but I also try to get as nonlethal as possible. One of the great joys of MGS V was playing my pacifist run and then completely switching when shit went wrong. One of my favorite memories from all of gaming was in MGS V, during the mission where you have to kill the 3 warlords in

Picked this up the other day, although I’m playing through the <i>original</i> Dishonored first to get back in the groove. My boyfriend has struggled to come to grips with Billie’s power set, which he has described as being very different in feel from any previous character.

So, not everything that I did would necessarily apply to your friend, but all the examples I’ll give are like dots, and there’s a line that connects them, and that line is what really matters. But I honestly don’t have a good way of describing the underlying thing, and the dots are the best I can do.

“Rick sucks. Beth sucks. Everything sucks—at least if you’re smart.”