
The White Walkers were last seen eight thousand years ago, dragons last seen 150 years ago. It's like comparing Grendel to the passenger pigeon.

That's what Sean Hannity is for.

DisneyParks: You will now!

One line of dialogue like "The great Dornish families are fighting over who will replace the Martells," and the show can safely ignore Dorne for the ten remaining episodes.

"Lady Sansa, at the gate!"

She said she never had an education, just her idiot brother ranting about the Targaryen dynasty.

Eh, he still killed the fuck out of Tywin.

A grim and gritty reboot of THE JERK? Interesting choice.

Fair enough. I think it plays a bit better when the letter is about an actual issue instead of how the president is great, but parents probably shouldn't encourage this kind of thing.

Except that this is the (soon-to-be) White House Press Secretary representing the U.S. government.

Yeah, we as a species are going to be dealing with this mess for a long damn time.

That's why Hollywood keeps hiring British actors in the first place!

My guess is that no, it's not serious, and yes, several people at Jezebel have listened to Mother Love Bone.

Not hardly. It's more that Internet publishing has become full-time trolling.

It's funny to see things like South Park and reality television that scolds warned would ruin America actually end up doing just that.

as well as Greyworm and Missandei (somehow).


I mean, it's early. Shooting doesn't start for a few months, he can fix that.

Odd that "visionary" director seems to be increasingly used to just mean "good."

NYC, unlike Baltimore City, *is* swarming with white people, and Trump is a big dumb racist.