
I dunno. The release makes it sound like any "plantations" would be Blade Runner dystopic shit. It just seems comprehensively unpleasant.

They aren't working on any of those beyond taking producer credits.

I mean, let's hope not.

They're good showrunners but not that great as TV writers, and I think you would need a great writer to make this concept work.

This doesn't seem like a premise that you would want to spend seventy hours with as a viewer.

*starts looking for robot -shaped watermelons to shoot at*

Another unexplained "suicide" in DC? Sure, go ahead and believe the official story.

That's such a lame reason that it's almost worse than just saying they wanted to go in a different direction.

Ironically, the concrete barriers on Pennsylvania Avenue were built to keep madmen from driving trucks *into* the White House, not out, but they work either way.

Well, a gentleman racist scholar anyway.

Sansa's plan was incredibly dumb. Settling scores in the face of an existential threw made no sense.

Eh, I'm just glad they aren't trying to use him to out-Ramsay Ramsay.

Because the show couldn't afford a battle with a Lannister garrison in the first episode.

Someone, fired, error.

Because she crazy.

And issue vaguely threatening communiques, yes.

Makes sense. Colorful goons and evil children are very of the moment.

I wonder if Colman was in consideration before her amazing 2016 raised her profile too much.

Apparently some of the goons that work for him have Napoleon fixations, so it may just be that Bannon hasn't shut up about him since the trip was announced.

I'm actually not sure if Trump was creeping on her or genuinely amazed that a woman could be almost 65 without being decrepit.