
*kicks rock*

*kicks rock*

*kicks rock*

A Marvel movie seems unlikely, but yeah.

That's an argument for banning Nazis, or even shooting Nazis. It's not really an argument for suckerpunching them and then running away.

Okay, but are we really calling out a comedian for not endorsing the street militia approach?

Isn't that up to the Nazis as well?

No reason he can't be the sidekick in this one.

DuckTales Classic essentially put television animation on the map…

1:10 CleganeBowl is dumb and runs counter to the Hound's character arc.

Hey, you're the one that dismissed the minor fact that the election was actually decided by millions more people voting for the other candidate.

Plus those nefarious black voters, right?

It is really important that Jeffrey Lord won't be poisoning the airwaves for a while. It's completely unimportant that he was trolling libs when he got fired.

who cares

There has to be a one-word catchphrase that's an appropriate response for this, preferably something that expresses surprise, irritation and contempt.

Eh, that's unfair to the stuntmen that worked really hard at getting set on fire for our entertainment.

So basically it's the Key and Peele genealogy sketch, but with white people?

"Turns out she realized pretty quickly that life with Ted and her weiner kids was pure misery, so she faked cancer and snuck out of the hospital while Ted was thinking about Robin."

He absolutely did, taking to Twitter to complain that the Acting FBI Director was biased against him.

But the FBI raid scenes in movies and television always turn up nothing, so that the heroes can have a temporary setback to raise the stakes for the action-packed finale!