
The summer of the shark?

Well, I guess this proves that he has access to a printer.

I wouldn't have guessed that, mostly because of comparing Durance from ~10 years ago to Benanti now.

"What do you think of Kryptonian culture?" "I think it would be a good idea."

Or the show could afford Benanti on its S1 budget but not its S3 budget.

That's not fair! He's not left-wing.

All of Christopher Nolan's movies have been about the self-destructive follies of talking apes, and the apes have finally had enough.

Following has one female character.

Well, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was exciting, and this is basically the same thing just in reverse.

"In this movie, the brutalized woman…is Europe."

He's one-for-two at worst, Paul Rudd was great.

I'd complain about the headline, but this really is about the least bad thing we've got going on right now.

They set that up a bit with Sam's refusal to see A View to a Kill.

She can start with a smaller role in The Big Sick 2 as the actress playing Emily in the movie within a movie about Emily Gardner's coma.

Well, they could do a deal like Sony did with Spider-Man in which Marvel tells them how to make a good movie but gets none of the profits.

Storm movie!

Fox should just taunt Marvel by making a KANG VS. DOOM movie that ends with the planet getting eaten by Galactus.

This is not thought out at all.

They've got eight episodes in the can and it's already dumped to Friday night. They'll run it all then and be done with it.

So Polaroid cameras are ancient artifacts to Today's Youth, like sarcophagi? Well that's neat.