
"We should have just let the South secede, everyone would have been better off."
"But what about…"
"Everyone I care about, anyway."

*Another* mosque.

Wait, what?

These people started hating liberals when liberals started insisting that people of color were people. That's why even mentioning racism alienates people.

Cut out everything that doesn't involve Lockjaw and run it as an episode of Agents of SHIELD, or maybe as a short before Thor: Ragnarok.

It would be one thing to have it for one scene as a joke about video games before letting her change outfits for the rest of the movie. That doesn't seem to be happening here.

"Once my surprise plan is in place there's going to be more than enough Medicaid funds to support the survivors, believe me."

This is surely the most embarrassing moment in Vice history…wait, their co-founder said *what*?

Deadpool needed some more graffitiing, littering, smashing stuff, burning stuff, breaking stuff, stealing stuff and running away.

Both are about hating and fearing black people.

How many of those novelty Time covers are being used in commercial businesses, though?

Also, it’s a Time cover about how “The Apprentice is a television smash!”…

The racism is entirely sincere!

"But Slytherin is *literally fascist.*"
"Don't care, hate you guys more."

It led him to become a nerd, which in turn led to tragic fates for nearly everyone around him, as such choices often usually do.

Look, don't tell me what not to say.

During a screening earlier this month at Chicago’s Music Box, a woman named Bianca Xunise asked Amirpour the following questions: “Was it a conscious decision to have all the black people have the most gruesome deaths on screen? And then, what was the message you were trying to convey with having this white woman kill

Wait a second - mouthy teenagers, easily robbed bodegas. That was our planet!

It's like Westworld - the first season is just world-building for the Lady Wrestling Universe.

I don't think Josh Trank's problems can be laid on anyone other than Josh Trank.