
It astounds me the amount of play this whole things has gotten in the MSM when there was no kind of official announcement or briefing, no plan of any kind revealed, no exploratory committee formed, and no formal or informal contact made with Denmark.

Thank you Durkbot, that means a lot to me. This is everyones safe space and over the past couple of years people here have come to mean a lot to me. I see so much misery in the homeless community and can’t cope with meanness in people. The trolls have shaken me a lot but the kindness of the rest of the people in this

That’s brilliant, thank you Durkbot. I’ve heard of her but had forgotten her site. I’ve just had a look and have bookmarked her, the recipes look yum. As an aside she is from Southend which was my families go to day at the seaside when I was little ( though it’s more Southend on mud than seaside) I used to have lots


Red Hats are White Hoods. No exceptions. If you’re wearing a MAGA hat, you know what you stand for and what you’re representing.

I doubt my baby pictures will out my identity. It’s more important to share this FASHION from the 1980s.

I’m 10 weeks pregnant right now, so I’m just wading into this weird fucking world of pregnancy and future motherhood. The people who do know that I’m pregnant are my family and closest friends - all people who I trust and adore. But still...I hear the opinions creeping out of them. My mom had 2 girls, and says she

A girlmom might snidely remark to Williams about her son walking around in a Spiderman costume, “Well, does he ever take that off?” But a boymom would understand.

Really? My only child (daughter, age 11) barely took off her Iron Man costume for weeks. Then the Captain America phase started. She’s already talking about

It must be difficult for these women to be the first people to ever raise male offspring.

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the

Her “middle class” background gives her an “outsider’s perspective on improving and modernizing” British society.

it’s called “last christmas” and she has a disease so she probably dies. also the dude appears mysteriously so he’s an angel. she goes to hell for worshiping the pagan yule.

My kids went through a phase of watching YouTube videos of people making painfully awful live-action recreations of Disney movies starring themselves. Despite the big budgets and talent, these remakes (all of which I have been forced to see because of the aforementioned kids) give off that same vibe somehow. They are,

When he starts doing that sing-songy thing with his voice I want to kick things.

So self assured! She knows her body, she knows her strength, and she knows her hard work is about to pay off the second she steps up to perform. 

For me, the way she’s so teeny tiny and throws herself so high is incredible, but it’s the landing that’s awestriking to me? She’s SO STRONG and she lands with such confidence and doesn’t falter.

“emu in rollerskates”  - I need to remember that one whenever there’s an occasion to reference my coordination skills.

I get emotional watching her because of her utter disregard for conventional wisdom on limitations.

She is so delightfully drunk.

Can someone explain why I, a grown ass woman who never managed to master the somersault, even in my most limber of childhood years, is tearing up watching her?