
This is the context a woman was fired from her job for tweeting a woman or man cannot change their sex. A judge then upheld the firing claiming her views were “Absolutist”. Here is where I think the discussion is getting a little outlandish. There is two concepts, “sex” and “gender” which while related I would argue

You mean Herb Spamfeeler?

Wheyyyy Leeds Rhinos! I live right by their stadium.

I was in the same hotel as the South African national rugby team, and when they trooped through the lobby in their shorts, oh lordy.

Rugby World Cup going on and not one site has posted some meaty thighs. For shame.

I’m in a relationship with a rugby player right now and I was warned by my best friend (who played rugby with him on the same team) that he’s like a “bloody hyperactive Labrador”. Yes, he has fantastic thighs, yes his arse is a work of art and yes, he gives the best snuggles and cuddles, but...dear god. He gets up

I’m actually into the rugby goon face. It’s a positive for me. 

That’s why soccer men are the best: you get all the glorious thigh muscles without the broken noses.

I’m absolutely devastated we lost Deadspin, but I am here for this kind of coverage on Jezebel. Rugby men for the win! 

Hear Hear.

Fuck that bitter herb.

God, the glory days of Thighlights.

Jezspin forever

She’s clearly being evicted for serially missing and late rent payments.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

Bojack Horseman had a great take on this in one of their Season 5 episodes. Diane calls out her soon-to-be-ex-husband, Mr. Peanutbutter (who’s about 12? years older than her) for dating and marrying younger and younger women the older he gets. His first wife was about his age, 30ish. His second wife was Jessica Biel

It also goes back to the whole practice in law that the prosecution has to prove a woman didn’t consent to a sex act. As long as a man says “I thought she wanted it.” and claims it was just rough sex, as presumed innocent, the onus is always on the woman to prove a negative. Even the mostly saintly virginal woman is a

G/O Media, praised the site’s journalism but said the publication struggled to gain large numbers of readers.

As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :

They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to

So we are getting her before the disappointment sets in. LOL