That is how it should be. I however am afraid of planned obsolescence.
That is how it should be. I however am afraid of planned obsolescence.
Just look at phones. They given them updates that make them intentionally slower and then stop supporting them altogether. So you are almost forced to buy a new one. I wonder if this will happen to cars as well.
I get that. Had I had the ability to charge at home (apartment dweller) I’d consider one as well, as a commuter. I only buy used, so it will take some time any way.
Reliability was the Achilles heel of the newly introduced VW ID3 electric car though. It’s why they postponed market introduction for a long time, AFTER many had already been built. It’s certainly not a car I’d even consider in its first or second production year. I don't want to be a beta tester.
Aren't they the world biggest manufacturer? Or very close to #1? It makes sense that they also have the biggest budget.
It’s probably the way to go as well. 2020/2021 is clearly way too early, but it won’t be long that most buyers of NEW cars in advanced markets will consider nothing but an EV. Or maybe a plugin hybrid. The US will lag behind, but even there that time will come. And it won't be multiple decades. The manufacturers who…
A few points:
I doubt many new USDM cars would dramatically fail EU emission standards. Where they would fail is in sales, even if you would ignore customer taste. USDM cars tend to have way worse absolute fuel economy and thus CO2 emissions. And thus will be taxed (and fined) so brutally, no one would buy them. They could still be…
Even places like Spain and Italy are easy. Easier still; Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders) and to a lesser extent; Germany. Almost all people will speak some to decent English there. Especially if they’re younger than a ‘boomer.
Yes! I totally missed that you posted that on oppo recently.
I second this. I’ve physically met people from Oppo in 11 different countries on 2 continents, flew that Torchbug over the ocean and have probably met roughly 30 current and former Oppo authors in person. In those 11 different countries, in 10 of them due to Oppo meets. I was on Oppo since before it was named Oppo…
Has BMW built anything attractive after the E46? I struggle to think of any BMW that would qualify.
It’s a 612 hp minivan with well tuned suspension. It will leave everything in the dust. But, like the title of the article mentions, it looks ridiculous doing so.
Elitism in traveling? I’ve never heard of that, but I’m not American. That’s why the ‘no time’ one is odd to me as well, but I guess that’s valid for Americans.
Agreed. Traveling internationally is great. A big change in culture, language, food, nature, architecture and general mindset is inspirational. It gives you perspective about life. And does not tend to be more expensive than traveling nationally, except for fuel/airline ticket money. Important is to do what the…
I always like the ‘but country X is only the size of US state Y’ response. As if size means you can’t get things done.
Not the whole of the rest of the world. Although the majority of countries world wide is worse off than the US, there are still dozens with a democracy that is more functional than the US one. The US ranks #25 out of 167, the Philippines #54.
Assuming the loaded trailer doesn't exceed the tow rating of the tow vehicle: Why would you be a moron?
That is because, in the US, there isn’t really any incentive to do better. To progress. It seems like everything is designed for short term gratification, ignoring what will happen in the long term. No thought of what we leave our kids and grandkids. There is no vision.