Oh, deer.
Oh, deer.
Verstappen needs some bitchslappen.
I’m impressed and disgusted at the same time.
This is undoubtedly the top answer. All of the best ideas and innovation went into transport and delivery. This is a phenomenon known as “bike shedding” i.e. - if you bring a bunch of people together to build something like a power plant while simultaneously giving them a smaller and easier-to-reach goal of building a…
Well, that’s what you get when you dont pay the “Rat-Free Plane Fee” at check-in.
Is that a rat? Gnaw, it couldn’t be.
One thing cool about the Vega is the Verti-Pak rail car that was developed to ship these. If only GM had spent the money for that on the actual car it might not have sucked so bad.
Is nobody gonna mention that this platform is now EIGHT years old?
So, a car that overheats after 1.5 laps doesn’t get any upgrades to the AWD system to keep it cool? In fact, they specifically keep you from making a full lap to hide the fact that this car is useless under stress? Good move Toyota.
SKP makes a copy of the Dorman one for about 90 bucks. Worked fine on our 2005.
What a shit headline - here I was expecting Ford put $22,500 on the hood of each Lightning.
I don’t hug people I love for 3 minutes. Even the “special” hug with the missus lasts for about 2...
Not me personally, but let me tell you the recent tale of my co-worker Josh,(A young, upbeat new salesperson and a great guy) and the awful time he’s been having with one particular customer. Let’s call the customer “Teddy.”
Well that headline isn’t misleading at all... /S
I was accidentally the problem buyer after the very willing seller let me take the car on a test drive and I got absolutely lost as the mapquest (tells you hoq long ago this was) directions I had printed out were in my car at his place. All I had at the time was their craigslist email information and had to email them…
This is inherently true - in California the single exemption is that the seller must provide a passing emissions test (if the vehicle is subject to one). You can write whatever you want and have the buyer sign it, but if it fails and the buyer want to push the issue, the seller will lose each and every time.
Worst experience was selling an old beater E30 318i to a coworker for $500 then finding out 2 years later (well after he had been fired) that he never transferred title and it had been impounded and they were looking to me to pay the fees of close to a thousand dollars.
Had exactly this happen, along the new ad stating a list of parts that were supposedly recently replaced that I hadn’t and I knew damn well the flipper also had not.