
Is there an actual reason why there is an aluminum disc in the right front wheel but NOT the left? My OCD brain can’t get past that.

I worked at a parts store back then and recall having more than one Sable owner lose their shit when they found out those bulbs were $10+ each, just as expensive as the headlight bulbs.

There’s that word again...heavy. Is there a problem with the earth’s gravitational pull?

for a price she’ll amuse anyone

I’m a sap for tree puns and never board with them.

For this kind of money it needs to have gone one of two ways:

Can’t wait for “Carbon based units infesting Enterprise”

The Volt has what it calls Fuel Maintenance Mode where it will periodically run the ICE to use the fuel if none is added or used for an extended period.

While I am truly sad there was loss of life:

Took another sip of the potion - hit the one wheel motion

Been a handful of years since I was last there, but the vibe I got was that the road user is expected to be alert and aware that there could be construction (or destruction in this case) they might need to react to.

because Bugs Bunny hasnt finished the cut yet

Bought the black plates in CA for a couple reasons.

Still one of my all time favorite plates - the bloody hands: *chef’s kiss*

The dabbling in SRT as a sub-brand was even worse, but I totally agree.  I have a 2011 Ram and looking up parts is a chore.  Depending on where you are, sometimes its under Ram and sometimes its under Dodge.  Pretty sure my registration says Dodge.


If he would have applied the Costco butter to the back of the magnet, that would have solved the problem.

No worries - I really wanted to see it.

Dangit, behind a paywall.