My last Cars and Coffee had SIX Slide Titles. I’m so sick of them too.
My last Cars and Coffee had SIX Slide Titles. I’m so sick of them too.
I mostly hate these mall crawlers anyway, but those with this particular “mod” trigger me. I was unable to find a picture showing this, but picture this with no tire on the spare wheel - WTF?!? I have seen enough of these to suspect that it’s intentional and not the result of a tire failure - they’re not ripping them…
In my perfect world, any vehicle that contained a fatality would be crushed. Parts from this shouldnt find their way to others.
Holy crap - the title drug this memory out of the depths - Godzilla Ate Tukwila
I have a couple baconator-level purchases, but that was decades ago when you could easily get a driver for a couple hundred, so I’ll pick my current daily - a 2007 Mazda 5 with a manual trans. I paid $1500 for it 2 years ago with a busted engine and spent another grand putting a super low mileage 2.5 out of a Ford…
Key point not mentioned is that these tires typically operate around 200 PSI. Seems to me that standard procedure would be to at least partially deflate them before removing. Might not have mattered here but thats a lot of pressure looking for somewhere else to be...
Cut my van into pieces
I left a 10 foot python in a Sheetz bathroom once.
Those voice record players were the coolest. Murilee Martin playing around with one:
Fuck! Put a warning on that shit!
Yep - I hate auto for that exact reason. I have the windows cracked way more than full down.
Holy shit - we found the guy that still uses CL.
Maybe they used to work at the bookstore?
We currently have a 80 pound Mastiff mix and a 60 pound bulldog-size-I-have-no-idea-wtf-mix and our Mazda5 with one of the center seats removed is practically perfect for floof hauling. Stumpy dog can easily get in and out and while it doesnt have vinyl floors it’s old enough I dont really care about the fur.
I’m totally full of want for this - but its at least 5 grand too much.
Nice! Yeah, if ever there was a need for a minivan - that seems like it. My wife really wants to foster (we have two rescues of our own) but we don’t have the space needed for much more than the two we have. That should change once I retire hopefully in the next 5-7 years and get out of town.
“My wife needs a minivan and won’t consider anything but Toyota”
“Must be sold to an out of state resident or licensed dealer” = Will not pass its California emissions test.