LOL - I remember our High School Drags at our local dragstrip. A friend had a 1976 Buick Apollo (Chevy Nova) with a 6 cylinder and at the end of the quarter mile - it had a trap speed of 58 MPH and took 20+ seconds. That Mirage would have WALKED poor Mike. How far we’ve come.
New Teslas are in early this year!
Looks to be a first gen Chrysler 300 so - probably.
According to the reporter, not stolen.
Park the car Mahoney!
You’re right. Shit, how could I have forgotten that requirement - only 50% Jalop.
Came here to say this - not at all mad that I had been beat to it. Have another star.
66.6666666667% Jalop.
fell OFF
Haha yep! My job duties include annual meetings with manufacturers, including GM. When we were meeting with them in 2014 - they had a preproduction Camaro prominently on display and one of the platforms engineers who was showing the car to us proudly exclaimed “and this is the FIRST Camaro with a 4 cylinder engine!” to…
Come on, mate.
What a fucking spanner.
I can GUARANTEE that this is a big problem that is lurking here in California. There is ZERO inspections of any structural repair done or SRS components required when registering total loss (salvage) vehicles in this state.