
In light of this event it has become obvious to me that we live in a time of constant change.

The men tested were not sensitive to the pitch of female voices in regards to memory.

Actually the Pentagon corridor system is awesome once you learn it. The rings are interconnected in a way that allows efficient access to all of the exchange points in the building which minimizes travel distances between all points.

The Pentagon looks that way for a reason. Being that it started as the Department of War and it looks like the old fortresses in the early days of the U.S. with five sides and ramparts.

Hmmm... I thought the wheels on my boat were working better than usual today.

Wait a few minutes, go make a sandwich, read another post, then re-read the comments one last time before reposting. Then you won't look so impatient.

Actually, Bill Maher is a big supporter of nuclear power.

A lawyer walks into a bar.

*Wheelchair sold separately.

So instead of saying that the shot "tore through the implant" (as if it broke her skin, entered the body, and obliterated the implant) it would be far more accurate to say that the force from the impact of the paintball round caused the implant to rupture and leak inside her breast.

The digital camera from 1977 cost several million dollars, was huge, and needed a technician to operate...


The company sets the price. The consumer protection is that you can get up... and walk away.

Anonymous is BS. Their response to this would be to obtain AT&T's customer data and post it on the internet.

"Boom!" goes the dynamite.

There's some kind of weird undercurrent for strict social settings in D.C. though. There's a bar near Ben's Chili Bowl that serves great food and specializes in scotch. The catch, at the bar NO ONE is allowed to stand. If you don't have a seat they will ask you to leave and they won't serve you. If you're there

I think the real driving factor is that there are dozens and dozens of world class restaurants in D.C.

Now playing

...And the international hit, Interview With a Local Bear!