
I have one word for you lady...

Every time I read one of your posts it's always, "Snap this... Crackle that... Pop, lol!!1!!11!!!" You act like they stay crispy, even in milk, and we all know that they don't. When people mention the sugar content in their treats you just turn into an apologist with an explanation ready to go.

Seriously. They could have hooked a motorized wagonwheel to the lateral boom and gotten better results.

We've finally identified where Flavor Flav came from.

Are you kidding? Of course they would. Before that, a long reply thread would have been around 40 comments. The traffic here EXPLODED overnight.

However, this will be annotated in your permanent file.

If you're going to spend $300 on a door lock don't be dumb. Get off your wallet and pay the local handyman $50-$75 bucks to install a metal reinforced jamb. The jamb and frame will break long before the door.

Oh... She lost those fingers?

Is this the new viral campaign for Sling Blade II?

Keep that fucking thing away from me.

Each person is different. It may work but if I hop in a car and I'm confident that I am fine and, in reality, I'm not impaired I still get punished even though I'm not impaired. That's bullshit. They may as well fine people who attempt to drive while drowsy. It's just as dangerous, and the rules surrounding an

That may all be true but after 20 years of being hit over the head with "drunk driving ruined my life" stories we have defaulted to a zero tolerance, one size-fits-all, lock them under the jail mentality. I for one am absolutely terrified of a DUI to the point of calling a cab no matter how little I drink.

I live in D.C. and I'd trade living here for moving to Tampa ANY day of the week (as long as I can keep my current salary).

I can just hear the day the dude hatched his plan...

I know it's just a comic book image, but that image has always made me feel good.

At least she's not pussyfooting around.

How else are we supposed to prepare our children to survive in the sewers when the robot apocalypse happens?

I'd be willing to bet that the people who complained about Google Maps getting them somewhere late due to improper time estimates were probably going to be late anyway. Next time leave earlier.

Now playing

However, the dude that had his penis cut off and tossed in the garbage disposal a few days ago is still outta luck.

If you own a condo/townhouse/house and the local "artist" throws some absolutely amazing graffiti art on a nearby wall in the middle of the night you'll feel a bit different.