
What looks like a writing metal scorpion clings to his back. Its a headless tangle of wires, pincers flexing. It has barbed feet buried into the meat of his torso, between his ribs. Eight more insectile legs wrap around his face from behind. The thing contracts and squeezes air from Ty's lungs, like an accordion.

I had a feeling about a year ago that your hands were coming loose. I have to say thanks for a GREAT ride. You and this site have improved my mood on many many of my crappy days. Thanks for bringing this to the internet. It's always a pleasure to watch the great ones work.

*** Turns to look at judges ***

It's not that I'm failing to differentiate it's just that I disagree on a few fronts, sorry. Especially regarding "avant garde" works and brutalism. Le Corbusier, I.M. Pei, Khan, would all beg to differ with you. Some of the most noted works of brutalism were the ones that were considered the most "avant garde".

Frank Gehry and Frank Lloyd Wright are laughing at you.

I hope you're joking. Why would you be surprised that you were charged additional fees for using a service in another country? Everyone knows that if you travel on your own dime you get a spare GSM phone and buy your minutes (voice/data/text) at your destination.

Please note: It's perfect for those all-day backyard parties you'll be having this summer with your friends.

Well... I think we all know what's really going on here.

Well good. This stunt wasn't them. Man, I hope they hack the fuck out of something that truly matters and runs it up a flagpole for the world to see.

Yeah, that's what they're doing. But it won't make a BIT of difference.

I'm not impressed. What would make me say "OH SHIT!" you might ask? Well, for instance...

The Droid Charge just came out but it's a Verizon LTE phone with no physical keyboard. The Droid3 has a keyboard and is 3G only. Some people don't want/need/have access to Verizon LTE capabilities and they also want a keyboard. Choice is good.

After releasing this information Dr. Mazurczyk promptly asked for a research grant to study it further.

I... I can't stop crying.

Which they will promptly rip off.

Never, because his ilk only understand achieving mission goals and success in terms of "turning a profit".

Tweeting pictures is a crutch for the weak.

I remember cracking open the City Paper in DC way back when and these were just a part of his running series. Was this really special to Apple?

Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher