
Sometimes the low hanging fruit is simply too juicy to pass up.

That's deep.

That's totally not true it depends on the latent temperature of the water and/or the overall temperature. Alligators are very active at dusk and at night. There were plenty of times when I've illuminated a black lake with a flashlight only to see several pairs of golden points of light blinking and staring back at

Northern VA (Alexandria) is up and running. My VZW LTE phone is working just fine.

A universal mute... yeah I can see that.

That technique didn't work for Saddam. Remember Scuds?

Most of the ones sold at military surplus stores (like much of what's sold at a military surplus stores) is phony military gear. Real, honest to goodness, U.S. Military M.R.E.s are really good. I remember ALWAYS keeping a box on hand just because it's just good to have a hearty meal on hand for what ever. We figured

Anyone who says that an MRE is "gross" has obviously never had one.

They will be. That's why flight safety officers have the saying, "Flight manuals and regulations were written with blood."

I hate internet nitpickers and correctologists but that's a CH-46. Chinooks are CH-47s, and are much larger. Same family though.

Phony as the day is long.

Maybe the sign is only manufactured in a flat format, and someone is supposed to come out and attach the permanent raised nubbins where the dots are at a later date.

I was about to say, porn names could be a short string of randomly generated numbers and letters and it wouldn't matter.

I totally buy it. Like ALL fanatical religious leaders he tells his flock to be "pure" like him, and follow the words of the "Holy Book"... yada yada yada. Meanwhile behind closed doors, they all do the same shit (and probably much worse) as the rest of us impure Godless soul-less nonbelievers.

Now playing

Wasn't this the basis for a TV show in the early 80s?

Yep... Like when they had a satellite photo of a truck sitting outside of a nondescript factory. Then in the next slide they showed an artist mock-up of what they "BELIEVED" the truck and factory were like on the inside. Some phony-ass complex and an elaborate mobile chemical unit. WTF.

This is a nominee for the "First World Problem of the Year" award.

Don't waste your money, homie.