Dusty Baker Street Irregulars

I had the same reaction when Ken Griffey JR retired. He was the first player who was younger than I was so seeing him hang it up was an "Fuck, I'm old," moment. 

He saw a chance, took his shot and made it. That's refreshingly different for him. 

Here’s a novel concept for modern America: How about we accept that someone who does something nice at one point might have also done something bad at a different point. One act doesn’t void the other but it does create a more nuanced narrative.  

He was 16.  Even in Iowa, that’s a bit old for Middle School.

As a CU alum I can confirm that was the easiest score for a Creighton student since the last Delta Zeta formal.

Who the fuck said it was a sex ring? Sandusky was a serial predator who was enabled by Paterno and others who would prefer not to sully themselves by admitting they hired a pedophile.

Imagine being paid millions of dollars because you are good at something the public wants to view and then being held accountable for your actions. Imagine.

He’s a rich, straight white male in America.  Of course it’s a negative to him.

The only real question most fans care about. 

Perhaps Mike Leach can focus more on preserving 32 point leads rather than what the California legislature does. 

No, they just signed him after the Oakland issues, the Pittsburgh outbursts, the multiple DV police calls, the hotel meltdown.  Let's not over praise an employer who decided not to deal with a knucklehead employee. 

You nailed it. This is only about Belichick not wanting to deal with this shit.

Tyreek Hill finds that idea amusing. 

Your defense of Brown is a decades old movie?  Good work.

You realize that we are talking about Antonio Brown here, right?

Pretty low probably although if anything significant actually happens he’ll be right there.

Well, except for people who will have to cover their shift.  They’ll feel sorry.

I don’t know.  You could argue that on the other side keeping Area 51 as a secret serves as a useful distraction point.  It’s the bright shiny object that gets all of the attention while the real work happens elsewhere.

You and me both.  That game drove my wife from the room.

What the fuck does Peyton have to do with Eli's ineptitude?