Well shit, now you have me wondering about this, too. I searched and couldn’t find a pic with the canopy open. But there doesn’t appear to be any other way in and there’s a full interior. Plus, the description says so, so that must be it.
Well shit, now you have me wondering about this, too. I searched and couldn’t find a pic with the canopy open. But there doesn’t appear to be any other way in and there’s a full interior. Plus, the description says so, so that must be it.
but how do one get inside the car? By lifting the ‘’ roof ‘’ and jumping in?
same, so annoying
I keep getting bounced to the Root. It’s not fair.
Exactly, and there have been countless examples of this in the past. It’s not censorship, it’s not “self-censorship”. It’s a combination of empathy and marketing that actually works.
They're making changes out of respect, not censorship. Not every edit is a "censor." People use the word too much.
Words cannot express how angry this makes me. This copyright insanity/stupidity has to stop. People are ripping off others and getting away with it, while random people are getting in trouble for using certain words, which is the most blatant violation of freedom of speech. You can’t (or shouldn’t be allowed to)…
When the game got over, I felt like I had been playing an amazing saga for years!
I kind of had thoughts of retiring from gaming and doing better with my life. I’ve never been this satisfied from a game in my life! I literally called my girlfriend and told her how amazing the last few weeks had been and what a…
For $15. But really, they aren't that intrusive, and they actually promote some really great exclusive deals.
For $15. But really, they aren't that intrusive, and they actually promote some really great exclusive deals.
I remember as a kid watching an interview the news did with a 100 yr old man...
There's only one way!
Grave of the Fireflies was so good, I never want to see it again. It was depressing as hell and emotionally draining to watch.
Grave of the Fireflies was so good, I never want to see it again. It was depressing as hell and emotionally draining…
While brown rice, with its numerous health benefits, has an obvious nutritional leg up on white rice, it also has…
Cutting the cord works great. We did it six years ago and now only have Netflix. If you feel like you have to have all the channels that cable has, then keep cable. Cutting the cord is about not needing all of that as much as it is about saving money.
I had no major issues with it.
Starting a new role-playing game is never easy. Which class should you choose? Which race? What kind of party…