Stop taking me to the root dot com. I am just trying to read the comments. I love the articles on Jalopnik but the website is an ad-ridden redirect you elsewhere hot mess.
Stop taking me to the root dot com. I am just trying to read the comments. I love the articles on Jalopnik but the website is an ad-ridden redirect you elsewhere hot mess.
My cat responds to the word, “treats”.
Am I the only person that hates the floating action button? So many of the apps I loved and pay for are changing over to the new [im]material design. They were perfect before in my opinion but now they have this button that is covering up the list. Form over function.
If it isn't on Android it didn't happen.
Ronald McDonald House does a lot of good too.
I tried this with AZ when I moved to MO 12 years ago. AZ DMV just ignored me.
In the same vein as the Omnivore's Dilemma I really enjoyed -The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.
What ever is the cheapest.
What ever is the cheapest.
Lifehacker's redneck diy project of the day. I am suddenly reminded of this one…
Yup, I need a "right to be forgotten" on things I delete. Making emails go away permanently in Gmail is a big pain with or without these new features.
Clark Howard gives the opposite advice on this. He says that it is better to have a personal credit card than a business credit card. "The liability of a small business can be unlimited under current law. Contrast that to the fact that an individual's liability on a stolen or lost personal card is capped at a…
me too
Our office is freezing cold. I could use a list of plants that can survive our sub-arctic environment. I have a Jade plant that is doing quite well. What others can I have?
Last time I bought a hand crank radio it was very cheap and the crank handle broke off. I know I got what I paid for. I will have to be more careful with my next purchase.
Just my opinion. I have plenty of family members that have done this very thing and they have had it since I was a little kid so I guess that is why it seems dated to me.
From my circle of friends I can say the numbers are coming from Xbox 360 owners that have jumped ship when Microsoft botched the release of Xbox One.