Dustin L. Tabor

I always disagree with going to the source material before you see the adaptation. Take in the inferior one first and you might enjoy it. Read the book later and you’ll probably get a much larger better version and enjoy that also. Read the source material first and you’ll spend two hours picking apart a movie you

Most of our talk at my shop is about TV/movies because we ALL see them, but our reading is so diverse that it’s rare to find a book that most of us have read (even if we buy it, because we’re all people with read piles sitting around...)

Don’t do superhero comics then. Pick up a series like Saga or older ones like Transmetropolitan or Bone that don’t make you go through yearly crossovers and reboots that won’t matter in 12 months anyways.

I would like to see a statistic of how many non-comics readers have actually entered a comics shop after seeing a comic book movie and how many actually came back more than once. My guess is most just buy a Cap or Iron Man t-shirt at Target instead and call it a day.

“This is issue 15 and this is issue 16, why the story didn’t match up?”

The person who never buys anything but comes in every day for hours to complain to trapped employees is the reason why I stopped going to comic book stores. That person is always super loud and in my long time experience, hygiene-challenged, resulting in a malodorous haze around them. This person also has the most

Give us a female link so we can name her Zelda.

This is the dumbest, most idiotic, waste of time Thing I have ever read about. It was awesome. Only on the Internet. Lol

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

The Sims 4: Nuclear Fallout Expansion Pack

looks kinda like a Ford Nucleon.

“I was hyped for this Fallout game until I saw it looking like a Fallout game…I guess I didn’t know what I actually expected”.

Why wouldn’t the capitol of our country be targeted with more bombs then elsewhere?

Adding to that comment, it’s all about presentation. Call of duty: Ghosts dog feelt like a tech demo. With lots of zoomed in details of 3D model screaming “LOOK AT THIS, THIS IS SOME NEXT GEN SHIT”, it also it was very focus on how the dog would benefit in combat.

Simple. They create an inverse tachyon pulse and divert it through the deflector array, then redirect the energy through the nacelles, hitting it with a burst of low-level delta radiation

Oh look, Sims.

I’m so torn. On the one hand, I’ve never believed that Superman’s powers were a problem for the character or a reason that he’s unrelatable. No matter how many suns he can juggle, he’s a kid from Kansas who moved to the big city and wants to make the world a better place. So low-powered Superman holds no interest for

I love the story, but hate the look.

You are right, that is way more interesting.